WrestleMania 37 Night Two Results: Incredible finish to main event; Controversial finish to Orton vs The Fiend

What a show!
What a show!

Titus O'Neil and Hulk Hogan kicked off Night Two of WrestleMania 37 in pirate outfits after country star Ashland Craft performed America The Beautiful. Randy Orton was the first to make his way to the ring for his match with The Fiend.

The Fiend vs. Randy Orton at WrestleMania 37

Alexa Bliss was out after Orton and there was a giant music box at ringside that she played. After a couple of seconds, the box opened up and The Fiend emerged from within it as the lights turned red and his entrance theme played.

The Fiend was back to his original form and attacked Randy with a clothesline right out of the gate. Orton fled the ring and when Wyatt followed, he sent him into the announcers desk. However, it did not affect The Fiend.

The Fiend got the Mandible Claw in before Randy got the DDT from the ropes. Yet again, Wyatt no-sold the offense and took another DDT before getting up and hitting a clothesline. Randy hit a third DDT and got ready for the RKO.

The Fiend hit the Mandible Claw before Orton could land the move and turned it into Sister Abigail as the ring started spewing fire. But before Wyatt could finish off The Viper, Alexa was seen on top of the box, covered in the same black goo that Orton was coughing up weeks ago.

Wyatt approached Alexa and she held out her hand. Orton used this opportunity to hit the RKO and pick up the win at WrestleMania 37.

Result: Randy Orton def. The Fiend

After the match, Alexa was still there and The Fiend looked at her as the lights went out. When the lights were back on, the ring was empty.

Grade: B+

Bayley tries to impress WWE Hall of Famers at WrestleMania 37

Backstage at WrestleMania 37, Eric Bishoff was there with Titus and Hogan when Bayley tried to get him on her show. Bishoff shot her down before Bayley bragged about herself and the legends walked off.

Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Natalya & Tamina - Women's Tag Team Title match at WrestleMania 37

Natalya and Shayna kicked off the match at WrestleMania 37 and Jax was tagged in early on. Jax pushed Natalya aside and asked Tamina to step in the ring, which she did. They both no-sold each other's moves before Tamina unloaded on Jax and tagged in Natalya for a double team.

Baszler was back in and hit a knee to Nattie's jaw while Nia slammed Tamina on the floor at ringside. Jax came back in and tried to make Natalya tap out by twisting her ankles. However, the Queen Of Harts managed to get a near fall with some clotheslines.

Tamina recovered and got in the match before she was hit with a double crossbody. Natalya came back in and locked in the sharpshooter on Jax but Shayna had already sneaked in a tag. Baszler got the Khirifuda Clutch in on Natalya and it was over at WrestleMania 37.

Result: Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler def. Natalya & Tamina to retain the Women's Tag Team Titles

Grade: B

Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn at WrestleMania 37

Hall of Famer JBL was on commentary for the match at WrestleMania 37 and Logan Paul came out to support Sami, at least according to Zayn.

Owens got the upper hand early on and was about to powerbomb Zayn on the apron but he got out of it.

Owens hit a cannonball in the ring before taking a kick to the face. Zayn hit a brainbuster on the apron and took Owens out but he recovered before the count of ten.

Sami went for a superplex but Owens took him down and hit a splash for a near fall. KO hit a modified brainbuster on his knee before Sami hit the exploder and the Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.

Sami hit a series of suplexes but Owens still managed to kick out. Owens hit a fisherman's suplex from the ropes before Sami hit the Helluva kick. However, KO recovered and hit two superkicks and a stunner before getting the big win at WrestleMania 37.

Result: Kevin Owens def. Sami Zayn

Logan tried to congratulate after the match and Sami threw a fit before being shoved to the side and running off. Owens took Logan out with a stunner before leaving.

Grade: A

Riddle runs into WWE Hall of Famers

The Great Khali was backstage at WrestleMania 37 when Riddle drove his scooter in. RVD joined them too and told Riddle to focus on his match before handing out his own brand of rolling papers.

Riddle (c) vs. Sheamus - United States title match at WrestleMania 37

Sheamus started strong and took down Riddle with the Irish Curse Backbreaker and the huge chops to the chest on the ropes. The King Of Bros managed to kick out of all the offense and hit a huge belly-to-belly suplex off the top rope.

Riddle hit a big vertical suplex but missed the Bro Derek. Sheamus got a knee strike to the face again but Riddle still managed to kick out. Sheamus hit an Alabama slam and still couldn't get the pin.

Sheamus kicked out of the Floating Bro and got the White Noise in. Sheamus hit a knee strike from the top before getting yet another near fall. Riddle tried to hit a springboard move. However, Sheamus turned the tables on him and hit the Brogue kick while Riddle was in mid-air. The Celtic Warrior got the pin and became the new champion at WrestleMania 37.

Result: Sheamus def. Riddle to become the new United States Champion

Grade: A

Big E (c) vs. Apollo Crews - Nigerian Drum Fight for the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania 37

Walle came out at WrestleMania 37 and performed Big E's theme as the champion made his grand entrance. Both men started the match with Kendo Sticks and Apollo retreated to the outside before Big E tossed him into the drums present at ringside.

Apollo got the Kendo Stick and got back at E before being speared to the outside through the ropes. Crews was going to slam Big E with the steel steps but the champ got out.

Big E hit a Uranage on the steel steps before Apollo broke a Kendo Stick on him. Crews missed with a splash and went through the table.

Big E hit the Big Ending but then Dabba Kato showed up and attacked him. Kato hit the chokeslam on Big E before letting Apollo pin the champ.

Result: Apollo Crews def. Big E to become the new Intercontinental Champion

Grade: B

Asuka vs. Rhea Ripley - RAW Women's Championship match at WrestleMania 37

Asuka started off strong and sent Ripley into the corner for a big kick before Rhea retreated from the ring for a breather.

Asuka (c) vs. Rhea Ripley - RAW Women's Championship match at WrestleMania 37 (contd...)

Asuka was dominating the match at WrestleMania 37 before Rhea took her down and went for the leg scissors submission. Ripley slapped the champ in the head, taunting her before hitting a dropkick.

Asuka got the kneebar before the former NXT star reversed it into a suplex. The Empress Of Tomorrow hit a missile dropkick from up high and sent Ripley face-first onto the floor outside with a DDT. The Champion got a near fall before locking in an armbar.

Ripley hit a suplex from the apron before being caught in the Asuka Lock. Ripley broke the hold and hit the Riptide for the win.

Result: Rhea Ripley def. Asuka to become the new RAW Women's Champion

Grade: A

Bayley goes after the WWE Hall of Famers

Titus and Hogan were back out and thanked the fans before Bayley made her entrance at WrestleMania 37.

Bayley was mad and threw a fit about not being thanked for her hosting duties before the Bellas came out. The Bellas took her out and sent her down the ramp before celebrating.

Roman Reigns (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Edge - Universal Title match at WrestleMania 37

Bryan and Edge were out first at WrestleMania 37 before Roman came out with Heyman and Jey Uso.

Reigns started off strong but quickly realised that it was more of a 2-on-1 bout. Uso took out Bryan and Edge with Superkicks after Roman sent them outside.

Uso was sent into the steel steps by Edge before he sent the Universal Champion into the barricades and the ring post. Edge sent Uso into the steel steps with a DDT and hurt himself in the process.

Officials carried Uso away
Officials carried Uso away

The medical staff were there to take Uso away while Edge and Bryan squared off in the ring and The Rated-R Superstar got a near fall. Bryan was caught in a suplex by Reigns on the outside before Edge sent Roman into the ring.

Edge dodged the Superman Punch and hit a DDT before jumping over a Spear attempt and got a near fall with a sunset flip. Daniel Bryan hit top rope moves on both men after they went down for a near fall on Reigns at WrestleMania 37.

Roman Reigns (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Edge - Universal Title match at WrestleMania 37 (contd...)

Bryan hit the Yes kicks on both opponents at WrestleMania 37 and got the Running Knee on Edge. Roman missed the Superman Punch again and took the Running Knee for a near fall.

Bryan locked in the Yes lock but Edge broke it up. Bryan got the Yes lock in on Edge and Roman broke it up this time. Reigns hammered Daniel on the mat with his fists before powerbombing him onto Edge.

Roman went outside and powerbombed Bryan through the announce desk but Edge speared him out of nowhere.

Edge got a steel chair but Roman tossed it away. The Rated-R Superstar got a crossface in before using a piece of a chair to sinch it in.

Bryan intercepted the hold and locked in the Yes lock at the same time while headbutting Edge. Bryan attacked Edge's neck before the latter took him out with a spear and then another on Reigns for a near fall.

Bryan broke the pin and Edge snapped. He got steel chairs and unloaded on his opponents. Edge got the con-chair-to on Bryan before Uso came back but took a spear and some chair shots.

Reigns hit a spear on the distracted Edge before hitting the con-chair-to on him for the win at WrestleMania 37.

Result: Roman Reigns def. Daniel Bryan & Edge to retain the Universal Championship

Grade: A+

PPV Grade A+

We got a number of title changes on Night Two of WrestleMania 37 while Kevin Owens wiped out social media star Logan Paul. The Fiend lost his big return match in a weird way while we got a five-star main event at WrestleMania 37.

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