7 One Piece characters that could fight Rob Lucci in the Egghead arc

CP0 is look to cause trouble again
CP0 is look to cause trouble again (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha/Viz Media/One Piece)

One Piece manga readers already know that Rob Lucci is going to make himself a lot of enemies in the current arc.

The World Government has given CP0 a direct order to eliminate a number of threats, including Vegapunk and Jewelry Bonney. Naturally, this isn't going to sit well amongst the Straw Hats and the Revolutionary Army. These One Piece characters have good reason not to let that happen.

Rob Lucci is likely the strongest member of the CP0 organization, which means he will likely do a lot of heavy lifting. Most readers despised the One Piece villain for his cruelty in the Enies Lobby and Levely arcs. They can only hope that Lucci takes a good beating in the Egghead arc.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

Rob Lucci will likely have a throwdown with the following One Piece characters in the Egghead arc

Monkey D. Luffy


During the events of One Piece Chapter 1067, the real Vegapunk asked Luffy to escort him off Egghead. CP0 will have to deal with the Straw Hat before they can even get close enough to Vegapunk. Lucci might just have his rematch with Luffy.

Of course, Luffy has gotten a lot stronger ever since the One Piece timeskip. When he originally fought Lucci back in Enies Lobby, the Straw Hat nearly beat him half to death. Back then, Luffy had yet to master his Devil Fruit or even learn the basics of Haki, let alone the advanced techniques.

Lucci is not going to be fighting that version of Luffy anymore. He's going up against the same guy who defeated Kaido in Wano Country. There's a reason why so many One Piece readers believe Lucci will have a "Bellamy moment" if he crosses paths with Luffy again.

Roronoa Zoro


If Luffy is too much of a challenge for Lucci, the latter can always fight his subordinates. Of course, that still wouldn't be an easy task, despite Lucci's tremendous strength and speed. The strongest members of the Straw Hats carry bounties in the billions range.

Zoro has enough cutting power to slice through Kaido's scales in his dragon form. With that in mind, One Piece readers would love to see how the swordsman compares to Lucci. It's not very often that Zoro gets to fight Luffy's former antagonists in a latter arc.

Vinsmoke Sanji


During the events of One Piece Chapter 1067, the Straw Hats made it clear that CP0 would be met with resistance. They will never forgive Lucci for his role in the Enies Lobby arc. Sanji outright said he would protect Robin from him, no matter how many times Lucci would try to take her life.

This would be a very interesting matchup between highly durable opponents. Lucci is a Zoan Devil Fruit user with a lot of health and stamina, while Sanji is genetically modified with a highly resistant exoskeleton. However, the latter would also be very motivated to protect his dear friends.



Assuming that Luffy isn't going to fight Lucci, there's always a chance he could let Jinbe take care of the CP0 agent. The Fish-man is currently part of Luffy's group. Since they've been tasked with protecting Vegapunk, they will likely run into Lucci and the rest of his crew.

Jinbe is a skilled martial artist in the One Piece series. He laid the smackdown on Who's-Who during the later stages of the Onigashima Raid. The latter outright stated that his potential was the same as Lucci's back in their CP9 days. Jinbe would certainly be familiar with fighting Rokushiki users.

Nico Robin


Nico Robin has always been a high-priority target for the World Government, given her special ability to read Poneglyphs. Lucci also bears some responsibility for her torment in the Enies Lobby arc. He was Luffy's main obstacle in her rescue mission, since it obviously wasn't going to be Spandam.

Lucci is currently unaware of Robin's presence in Egghead, but the One Piece villain would certainly make it his mission to go after her. This might be asking for too much, but it would be nice to see Robin give a good performance against Lucci, even in a supporting role.

Monkey D. Dragon


Dragon has finally made his moves in the most recent arc. One Piece readers have been looking forward to his contributions in the main story, now that Eiichiro Oda is writing the final saga. It's about time readers see the Revolutionary Army leader in action.

Given his personal history with Vegapunk, there is a chance that Dragon may show up in Egghead. Perhaps he could finally show off his fighting style against the likes of Lucci and the rest of the CP0 agents. One Piece readers would love to see Oda deliver on the hype surrounding Dragon.

Bartholomew Kuma

Kuma might still be recovering on Momoiro Island, but that isn't going to last for much longer. Shortly after CP0 made it clear they were going after Bonney in One Piece Chapter 1067, he suddenly got up and started running towards somewhere.

At some point, he will have to reunite with his daughter. Even in his broken state of mind, Kuma would still be a challenge for the CP0 agents. Readers can only hope he doesn't have to sacrifice himself in the process.

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