Blue Lock is an anime that is predominantly filled with male characters due to its story, which initially had 300 strikers competing with each other to become the number one striker. Nevertheless, the series has gifted its fans with a handful of female characters.
While not all female characters in the series have a recurring role, they managed to leave a mark on the fans due to their impact on the story. Thus, here we shall take a look at all the female characters in Blue Lock and rank them by their popularity.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Blue Lock manga.
Junko to Airi: All female Blue Lock characters, ranked by popularity
4) Junko Hiori
Junko Hiori is Yo Hiori's mother and Ginji Hiori's wife. She was ranked second in Japan in professional high jump. This bitterness saw her push her son Yo to become the best at football alongside her husband Ginji.
However, overbearing expectations and a lack of consideration for Yo's feelings saw him dealing with a lack of purpose and ego in football. This was especially evident from the time when Yo fell down the stairs, but both Ginji and Junko only cared about his leg that got injured.
3) Iyo Isagi
Iyo Isagi is the mother of the anime's protagonist Yoichi Isagi. She is a kind-hearted woman who supports her son's dream of becoming a football player. While she is not well aware of the game, she supports her son and also went to watch his match against the U-20 Japanese National team.
During his short stay home between the U-20 match and the Neo Egoist League, Iyo Isagi also made sure to tell her son that both his parents would be there for him no matter whether he succeeded or not.
2) Yu Bachira
Yu Bachira is Meguru Bachira's mother. The reason fans love her more than Iyo Isagi is because the anime featured her more in the story, especially as part of Meguru's backstory.
She is a middle-aged woman who is a painter and is shown to be kind, sociable, and a supportive mother. This was especially evident from the time when she did not ignore her son's vision of a monster and instead instilled in him that the monster was his imaginary friend he wanted to play football with.
1) Anri Teieri
Anri Teieri is easily the most popular female character in Blue Lock. While the reason behind much of her popularity may lie in her attractiveness, she also has a very important role in the anime. She was the one who proposed to the executives of JFU a plan to help Japan succeed in winning the World Cup.
Anri Teieri is very passionate when it comes to football and does not back off when the JFU board members ridicule her as nothing more than a woman with big dreams and a big chest. She sticks to her goals and speaks her mind politely and professionally.
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