My Hero Academia chapter 361 spoilers: A glimpse of Tenko Shimura, Tamaki unleashes his super move

The two focal points in chapter 361 (Image via Studio Bones)
The two focal points in chapter 361 (Image via Studio Bones)

For the last two chapters, readers have been worried about the rampant death flags regarding the Big 3, and today's release of My Hero Academia chapter 361 added more fuel to the fire. While the spotlight has shifted away from Bakugo for a while, it has, unfortunately, landed on Tamaki.

Additionally, My Hero Academia chapter 361 features another glimpse of a young Tenko Shimura post-chapter 334 in the same vein. This appearance symbolizes the momentary lapse of control from AFO and the emergence of Tomura’s personality. No text spoilers have been posted on Twitter or Discord, but a rough idea can be formed from the raw scans.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from My Hero Academia chapter 361.

My Hero Academia chapter 361 raw scans raise concern over possible death flags for the Big 3

In the last chapter, Shigaraki brutalized Bakugo and planned to use him against Deku. The Big 3 rescued the boy and returned him to Best Jeanist. However, Bakugo kept observing the battle and formulating his own plan of attack. Planning to hold off Shigaraki for as long as possible, Mirio and Nejire combined their attacks. At this point, Mirio unwillingly taunted Shigaraki about not having any friends.

My Hero Academia chapter 361 raw scans

My Hero Academia chapter 361 begins with Mirio’s words, shocking Shigaraki to the core. Once again, Tenko Shimura is seen inside Shigaraki, surrounded by the hands of his family. Instantly, Tomura breaks free of AFO’s control and vehemently protests Mirio’s accusations of not having any friends. Shocked, Mirio reflexively apologizes. Moreover, he notices that his attack has not affected Shigaraki’s body.

Shigaraki switches gears and deflects attacks from the Big 3, making his way towards Bakugo and Best Jeanist. Nejire continues to attack as Mirio seems to encourage Tamaki. My Hero Academia chapter 361 then cuts to a flashback of the trio in their first year, when Tamaki and Mirio first met Nejire. It is unclear from the raw scans whose flashback this is, but the perspective and tone indicate that Nejire is having the flashback.

After a few panels depicting how the trio became friends, the chapter ends with Tamaki unleashing a final combination attack on Shigaraki. This attack consists of numerous aspects of several animals that Tamaki has likely eaten over a long period of time.


Tenko Shimura's appearance indicates that Tomura had not willingly given up his body to AFO. Somewhere, he still hopes to be saved and is holding on to his true personality. One may argue that by representing Tomura’s true self as the traumatized child that Tenko had been, Horikoshi is indicating that Tomura remained a child whom the heroes failed. However, this also indicates that Tomura never developed beyond a child's psyche.

AFO/Shigaraki seems hyper-focused on Bakugo, and My Hero Academia chapter 361 shows that he is neglecting everything in his path to get to the boy. Whether AFO fears that he can’t win against Deku without any leverage, or if this is purely a manifestation of his sadistic nature, remains unclear.

My Hero Academia chapter 361 is heavy with death flags. However, if the spoilers are to be believed, not only does Tamaki seem to be in grave danger, but many readers have also started to fear for Best Jeanist. With Shigaraki constantly targeting Bakugo, and with no sign of Deku yet, there is a high possibility of Best Jeanist sacrificing himself to protect his mentee.

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