While One Punch Man may be a widely popular anime within the industry, it has its qualms as many find several suggestions within the anime offensive. While several viewers have previously found Tatsumaki's physique to be a suggestive appeal towards Lolicons, the argument itself is meritless, given how she is not a loli but short-statured.
Similar to such arguments, there are several people around the world who find one of Saitama's hoodies to be offensive, which is none other than his infamous 'Oppai' hoodie. It instantly became popular within the community as merchandise for the same started appearing in markets almost immediately after the first season aired.
So, the question is, is Saitama's hoodie actually offensive?
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author's opinion.
One Punch Man: Why Saitama's 'Oppai' hoodie could be considered offensive by many

While 'Oppai' isn't inherently an offensive term, it is considered offensive or rude by many people. The word itself is slang for 'woman's chest' and can be used in a casual conversation, but the widely accepted term is 'mune,' which directly translates to 'chest.'
However, the situation is a bit different within the anime community, as the term 'oppai' is generally used in anime and manga to refer to an oversized woman's chest. This, in itself, could be considered by a sector of the population to be offensive if written on an apparel. While the younger generation may be much more accepting of such apparel, it could offend senior citizens.

Thus, when Saitama first wore the hoodie, it instantly became popular within the community, especially amongst One Punch Man fans. However, those who were left unaware of the reference could find it weird if anyone were to wear such apparel. The chances are that they may spend a few seconds wondering, “Huh? Why?” and then move on with their day.
While older residents feeling offended by an 'oppai' hoodie is still possible, the chances of someone getting traumatized by it are low. Especially if you are wearing the hoodie and are not a native Japanese, you can get away with it. Thus, while Saitama wearing the 'oppai' hoodie isn't something bad, it could get frowned upon by people.
Why does One Punch Man's Saitama wear 'Oppai' hoodie?

ONE, the original webcomic writer of One Punch Man, is known to give his protagonists some questionable fashion sense, and the same can be seen in Saitama's. Saitama wears the 'oppai' hoodie as it feels fashionable to him, which is the same reason why he has a t-shirt with the same print.
While it may not be something that stands out in its color or its design, it does stand out with its print and could be something that Saitama feels comfortable wearing. There is no other reason why Saitama would wear such a hoodie when doing something as important as giving his Hero Association preliminary exams.

A similarly questionable outfit selection can be seen in another one of ONE's works, Mob Psycho 100, where the protagonist Shigeo Kageyama was seen wearing a weird yellow money shirt upon the recommendation of one of his friends.