To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11: Bonchien introduces Fushi to his new "immortal" friends

Bonchien speaking to Fushi and Kai
Bonchien speaking to Fushi and Kai in the anime (Image via Studio Drive)

To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11 is out as fans finally got to see the new friends Bonchien managed to gather for Fushi. While the latter, Eko, and Kahaku went to Renril, Bonchien returned to Uralis to gather his soldiers to march towards Renril for the mission.

The previous episode saw Fushi learning to expand his spatial awareness. Initially, he had some issues with his progress. However, after he rescued the clay pot girl Eko, Fushi gained some inspiration from how she communicated with her people. He also showed tremendous progress as he was able to kill a Nokker without even looking bothered.

Fushi learns about Bonchien's plan in To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11

Kahaku as seen in To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11 (Image via Studio Drive)
Kahaku as seen in To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11 (Image via Studio Drive)

To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11, titled The Value of Flesh, saw Fushi, Eko, and Kahaku reach Renril, where they were seen discussing the latter's Nokker. It was a mystery as to how the Nokkers communicated with each other since Kahaku's Nokker claimed that they communicated through images. Moreover, the Nokkers did not have the capability to see what people were imagining.

Elsewhere in the Uralis kingdom, Torta was rallying his troops for the fight in Renril as one of the soldiers walked out from taking part in the fight. This was none other than Kai, who had already made acquaintances with Fushi. He met up with Bonchien since he knew that the prince was alive and re-established his loyalty towards him.

Kai, Messar, and Hairo as seen in To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11 (Image via Studio Drive)
Kai, Messar, and Hairo as seen in To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11 (Image via Studio Drive)

Bonchien then recruited two more people, Messar and Hairo, after which he went back to Fushi. He explained his plan to the latter and how he wanted Fushi to acquire them as his new vessels. The three of them were normal people, and it would be through Fushi's vessels that they would become immortal. However, Fushi was entirely against the plan, which was palpable from his expressions.

His mood was completely ruined as the same situation happened when he was in a meeting with Princess Alma. While Fushi's attitude may have put them in trouble, Princess Alma did not mind his assertions. Fushi then revealed to Bonchien how displeased he was by his plan because he hated using his vessels to protect others.

Fushi, as seen in To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11 (Image via Studio Drive)
Fushi, as seen in To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11 (Image via Studio Drive)

Later, Fushi started playing a game with Kai when he started to learn about his past. The latter revealed how he regained his will to live after his body protected him from dying. This was the reason why he was willing to become immortal by being Fushi's vessel, as he really valued the gift of life.

To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11 then showed Eko pointing out something interesting she noticed in the city. When Fushi and Kai went to investigate the same, they found a house that had fallen apart. Since the former was capable of fixing it, he transformed himself into the Booze Man. Following this, he repaired the house, the news of which spread around the town.

Final thoughts

Eko, as seen in To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11 (Image via Studio Drive)
Eko, as seen in To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11 (Image via Studio Drive)

To Your Eternity season 2 episode 11 saw Fushi finally starting to accept his new "immortal" friends. In the meantime, as he had the ability to help people without dropping a sweat, Fushi began to gain the trust of the people and the officials. Hopefully, in the next episode, he will get much closer to Messar and Hairo.