My Dress-Up Darling, an anime series that premiered in January 2022, achieved significant success among viewers. This captivating anime is based on the manga series created by Shinichi Fukuda. Its distinctiveness lies in its compelling plot, which revolves around cosplay and otaku culture. The first season of the anime consists of 12 episodes.
Fans are now curious about where to continue their journey in the manga after watching the anime. The manga is still ongoing, providing a delightful prospect for readers with numerous captivating new chapters awaiting exploration.
My Dress-Up Darling Fans can start reading the manga from Chapter 40
The first season of the My Dress-Up Darling anime series ended with Marin and Gojo heading to a summer festival. Marin was wearing a yukata, and Gojo was carrying her home after her sandals hurt her feet.
The final episode of the first season covered chapters 37 to 39 of the manga, meaning those who wish to read the manga should start at chapter 40. If you're looking to stay one step ahead of the anime, feel free to grab volume 6. It starts with chapter 40 and introduces completely new material.
The My Dress-Up Darling manga series, written and illustrated by Shinichi Fukuda, is currently being published in English by Square Enix. Volume 9 was released on July 18, and volume 10 is expected to arrive in October.
The My Dress-Up Darling manga is easily accessible for purchase and download through Square Enix Manga & Books and ComiXology. Moreover, you may find the series stocked at local bookstores and libraries as well.
About My Dress-Up Darling anime and manga
My Dress-Up Darling is a captivating Japanese manga series created by Shinichi Fukuda. It first premiered in Square Enix's Young Gangan magazine back in January 2018 and has since been compiled into eleven volumes as of August 2023.
This enthralling series has gained immense popularity, leading to its adaptation into an anime television series produced by CloverWorks. The anime aired from January to March 2022, further expanding the fanbase.
The story revolves around Wakana Gojo, a high school student who has an immense passion for traditional hina dolls. He deeply appreciates the intricate craftsmanship and immense dedication put into creating each doll. One day, fate introduces Wakana to Marin Kitagawa, another student at their school.
Marin dreams of becoming a cosplayer but struggles with sewing skills. Moved by compassion, Wakana offers his assistance by designing costumes for her. Together, they embark on a captivating journey filled with friendship, self-exploration, and the pursuit of their respective passions.
The manga and anime delve into the captivating themes of creativity, friendship, and unwavering commitment to pursuing personal interests. This delightful blend seamlessly incorporates elements of romance, comedy, and cosplay, drawing avid fans from various genres.
The anime adaptation of My Dress-Up Darling garnered positive reception for its endearing characters, heartwarming narrative, and stunning animation. Critics have lauded its portrayal of the cosplay community and the dedicated craftsmanship behind costume creation.
My Dress-Up Darling has gained significant popularity among fans. It celebrates the joy of pursuing personal interests and forming connections through shared passions. With an engaging storyline, it has captivated both readers and viewers, building a devoted fanbase.
The manga is a great read for fans of romantic comedies and cosplay. The anime adaptation was a huge success, and there are plenty of new chapters to read in the manga.
If you're looking for a new manga to read, it is highly recommended to check out My Dress-Up Darling.