5 players with the highest KDA at League of Legends Worlds 2022 so far

Player with the highest KDA at Worlds 2022 (Image via Riot Games)
Player with the highest KDA at Worlds 2022 (Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends Worlds 2022 has been a fascinating tournament with intense games where players have dropped some high KDAs (Kill Death Assists). This article will dive into a list of five players with the highest KDA so far in the tournament.

This list is purely based on the players' stats, but it is essential to remember that KDA does not fully showcase the impact of a player in a match. Sometimes, KDA is simply a representation of a cumulative effort by the team where all other players rally behind one player and allow them to get all the kills.

However, maintaining a high KDA still takes a lot of effort and skill, as getting kills or assists while remaining alive in fights is no minor feat. KDA can often be determined by how a player is positioned in the game, their awareness of enemy movements, and how effectively they are taking teamfights.

Gumayusi and four other players with the highest KDA at League of Legends Worlds 2022

1) Gumayusi

Gumayusi (Image via League of Legends)
Gumayusi (Image via League of Legends)

Amongst all the players who have participated in League of Legends Worlds 2022 so far, Gumayusi has garnered an abnormal KDA. He currently sits with 18.5 KDA, which is miles ahead of every other player within Worlds 2022.

This is a testament to Gumayusi's skill, as it is well-known that he is quite an aggressive player. However, alongside his lane partner Keria, Gumayusi has been bullying every other ADC in the tournament.

His positioning, ability to maneuver around the map, and being present in the right place at the right moment have helped him achieve this massive number. Gumayusi has indeed returned to form at Worlds 2022 after a below-average Summer Split in the LCK.

2) Keria

Keria (Image via League of Legends)
Keria (Image via League of Legends)

It is no surprise that Keria has the second-highest KDA in League of Legends Worlds 2022. This is because, despite being a support player, Keria is also quite bloodthirsty and will often look to jump into fights without a second thought.

However, Keria is so brilliant that his jumps are often calculated. He does not make random decisions, and when accompanied by his insane mechanical skills, Keria will often come out of fights unscathed.

Keria's high KDA is primarily due to the number of assists that he has received so far. For instance, in the game between T1 and EDG, Keria had 20 assists with Soraka, and in the game against RNG, he had 16 assists and one kill with his Tahm Kench.

This shows that Keria's participation rate in fights is immense and that he is always present whenever a skirmish breaks out. At the same time, this also shows that he can remain safe, which is a specialty as most support players think of themselves as sacrificial lambs and end up dying to protect their carry.

Keria currently sits with a 12.7 KDA at Worlds 2022.

3) Knight

Knight (Image via League of Legends)
Knight (Image via League of Legends)

Knight is the only player on this list who has already gone home from League of Legends Worlds 2022 after the massive debacle of Top Esports in Group C. However, the fact that he is present on this list shows his impact.

League of Legends fans might feel that Knight has a high KDA simply because he played fewer games and got a lot of kills. This might be true, but at the same time, it also shows that he was able to win his lane and have enough impact across the matches despite his team losing out in the end.

Knight currently sits with a 8.4 KDA at Worlds 2022, which is quite good for a player from a team that lost three games out of 6 in the Group Stages. Maintaining a good KDA when on the losing side is always tough, but Knight did it regardless, showcasing his skill as a midlaner.

4) Ruler

Ruler (Image via League of Legends)
Ruler (Image via League of Legends)

A list of players with high KDAs in League of Legends Worlds 2022 will never be complete without Gen.G's ADC Ruler being present on the list. He is not the highest KDA, primarily because of his immense aggression and a few unnecessary deaths.

However, his immense control over the laning phase separates Ruler from other players. The ruler's positioning in lanes is massive, and he knows when and how to fight to secure kills.

His ability does not end in lanes, as Ruler is extremely good at maneuvering around teamfights and dealing damage to all squishy enemies. Ruler currently sits with a 7.8 KDA, achieving that through a few perfect games on champions like Lucian, Aphelios, and Miss Fortune.

5) Chovy

Chovy (Image via League of Legends)
Chovy (Image via League of Legends)

Chovy, just like Ruler, is a very good laner, and most of the leads he gathers in games come from the laning phase. However, Chovy is not that bloodthirsty of a player.

Instead, he is very calculative and would jump into fights only when he is confident enough to deal damage. As a result, Chovy will never fight unnecessarily in the lane and instead focus on the farm.

He only fights after he has gathered an item or two or reached a state where he feels strong enough. He is often criticized for being a player who does not have much impact after the laning phase.

However, he still makes crucial plays, as his eye for opportunities is a cut above the rest. Chovy currently sits with a 7.1 KDA at League of Legends Worlds 2022, which is commendable for a player who is often labeled too safe.

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