Here come the stars: 5 best ADC players at League of Legends Worlds 2022

The 5 best ADCs at Worlds 2022 (Image via Riot Games)
These are the best ADC players at Worlds 2022 (Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends Worlds 2022 has some of the best ADCs participating in the tournament from across the globe. This is probably one of the few years when all the biggest names in the role will compete simultaneously.

Therefore, a list of the five best ADC players participating in League of Legends Worlds 2022 is discussed in this article in great detail. The list has been developed based on the current form of players, past performances, and overall pedigree in international tournaments.


However, it is essential to clarify that the list is subjective, and fans can have their own opinions on who they think is the best or the worst league ADC player. The list here also does not involve ranking as the players' difference is close.

Viper and four other best ADCs participating at League of Legends Worlds 2022

1) Viper

Viper will be willing to push himself to claim the World Championship trophy yet again (Image via League of Legends)
Viper will be willing to push himself to claim the World Championship trophy yet again (Image via League of Legends)

Among every ADC participating in League of Legends Worlds 2022, the first name that pops up is none other than EDG's Viper. He is often regarded as the best ADC in the entire world and is widely revered as a player who is capable of carrying games single-handedly.

Viper is one of those players who barely loses his lane within the game. He has ideal positioning, brilliant CS numbers, and exquisite teamfighting skills. There is a reason why EDG funnels as much gold as possible into Viper, as he is that much more dependable as a player.

During the 2022 Summer Split in the LPL, Viper accumulated a 61.9% winrate, 6.0 KDA (Kill Death and Assist), and 9.2 CS (Creep Score) per minute. Apart from that, he also has a 73% kill participation in his games, which shows how active he is across the map.


These are some well-rounded stats for an ADC, and very few players worldwide can reach this level. Viper also has a massive champion pool, which makes building plays around extremely flexible.

There is no doubt that when EDG starts its journey to defend the World Championship title on October 7, Viper will be one of the key players in that quest.

2) Gala

Gala is set to be one of the most explosive players at Worlds 2022 (Image via League of Legends)
Gala is set to be one of the most explosive players at Worlds 2022 (Image via League of Legends)

RNG's ADC, Gala, is arguably one of the most explosive players in the aforementioned role across the world in League of Legends. He is often regarded as the "Pentakill God" as he is the one player who has at least one of those in every tournament that he plays.

There might be arguments that he gets lucky, but at the same time, it is also important to consider that his positioning in teamfights is immaculate, which allows him to achieve this feat. Gala, similar to Viper, is the core of his team and is often funneled in the most amount of gold because of his ability to carry games.

Gala during the 2022 Summer Split of the LPL gathered around 61.4% winrate, 5.4 KDA, 9.2 CS per minute, and 68.1% kill participation. His stats are a bit lower when compared to Viper, but that is quite negligible as the value he brings to the table for RNG more than makes up for that deficit.

There are times when RNG might be on the brink of defeat, but Gala manages to bail the team out through some magical play. He often has to take in the pressure, but in a tournament like Worlds 2022, he would be more than happy to do so.

He is also regarded as one of the best Kai'Sa players in the world, and with the champion rising in meta for the tournament, Gala will be looking to run riot.

3) Ruler

Ruler is one of the key players for Gen.G and will be hungry for the Worlds 2022 title (Image via League of Legends)
Ruler is one of the key players for Gen.G and will be hungry for the Worlds 2022 title (Image via League of Legends)

Gen.G's ADC, the Ruler, is another player who can be considered quite an explosive player within his role. He might not be a Pentakill God, but he has the strengths that make him good.

Ruler is arguably one of the most dependable ADCs in the world, and in certain scenarios, he can be considered even better than Viper. It is important to remember that unlike EDG or RNG, who feed the gold into the ADC, Gen.G cannot do the same.

This is because Gen.G's midlaner Chovy also loves playing carry champions and needs help from time to time. Therefore, the Ruler sometimes needs to carry his weight, but there is no doubt he does so with perfection.

Ruler during the 2022 Summer Split of the LCK managed to gather an 87.2% winrate, 7.6 KDA, 9.7 CS per minute, and 71.1% kill participation. Therefore, in terms of stats, he is a lot ahead of both Viper and Gala, which shows how good of a player he is.

He was one of the key reasons behind Gen.G's victory during the LCK 2022 Summer Split and will be one of the key players to watch during Worlds 2022. The only difference between Ruler and the LPL ADCs might be that he loves to play safe instead of diving under towers.

4) Gumayusi

Gumayusi may have struggled a bit during the Summer, but he will be back with a vengeance during Worlds 2022 (Image via League of Legends)
Gumayusi may have struggled a bit during the Summer, but he will be back with a vengeance during Worlds 2022 (Image via League of Legends)

T1's ADC, Gumanyusi, was regarded as the best player in this position back in Spring. However, ever since the meta changed, he has fallen a bit and has suffered quite a lot.

He failed to adapt to the Kalista and Draven meta, but that will change when League of Legends Worlds 2022 starts. This is because both the champions have been nerfed and it seems like Jhin and Aphelios are two champions who will rise in priority.

Gumayusi is quite good at both those champions, which means his impact on games will enhance significantly. When Gumayusi had issues adapting to the meta, he kept a 65.4% winrate, 4.3 KDA, 9.3 CS per minute, and 67.6% kill participation.

He lacks a bit in the KDA department but is keeping up with the other players. Because Gumayusi loves to play hypercarry ADCs, his lower KDA makes a lot of sense.

He is still one of the best ADC players in League of Legends and will bring much value to T1 during Worlds 2022.

5) Jackeylove

Jackeylove's aggressive plays are what makes him an entertaining player to watch (Image via League of Legends)
Jackeylove's aggressive plays are what makes him an entertaining player to watch (Image via League of Legends)

The final player who deserves to make it into the top 5 list is Top Esports' ADC, Jackeylove. Very few players in League of Legends have the pedigree that Jackeylove does, and it would not be an overstatement to claim that he is one of the best in the world.

Jackeylove is the ultimate carry within Top Esports and impacted his team immensely throughout the summer. He is explosive, loves teamfighting, and is quite fearless.

Sometimes, he might overextend a bit, but he loves to test his limits, which puts him above the rest. Jackeylove, during the LPL 2022 Summer Split, managed to gather a 69.6% winrate, 4.8 KDA, 8.9 CS per minute, and 69.4% kill participation.

His CS per minute is lower than average, primarily because of his overly aggressive plays. He is one of those players who is extremely fun to watch as a fan and will be a contender for the tournament's best player.