All 12 Resonance Amp locations in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph

Resonance Amp located on Moon (Image via Bungie)
Resonance Amp located on The Moon (Image via Bungie)

Destiny 2's Season of the Seraph has introduced classic Rasputin-themed weapons and armor for Guardians. Besides cracking open Engram for these gears, Bungie has made another method available across the system, which will drop IKELOS weapons.

The trick is to keep an eye out for special consumables in one's inventory called Resonance Amp and Resonance Stem. While the former can be obtained by finishing the introductory seasonal quest, the latter drops from completing activities such as Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit.

The following article will list all the currently available Resonance Amp locations across Europa and the Moon in Destiny 2, and guide you through revealing these sites using Resonance Stems.

Where to find all currently available Resonance Amps on Europa and Moon in Destiny 2

1) How to reveal a location

Resonance Amp (Image via Bungie)
Resonance Amp (Image via Bungie)

To reveal a site for a Resonance Amp, you will first need to consume the Stems within your inventory. Upon doing so, a unique code will be generated, which will indicate the location that you need to go to. The code will usually be stated in the following order:


Hence, the location should be on the Moon, specifically near the crevasse at Archer's Line.

2) Moon

I) Luna.Archer.Crevasse.Crash

Head to the Sanctuary waypoint and take the left road to Archer's Line. Once you're in the area, look for the crack in the ground and follow it. Upon heading further, you will hear classical music coming from the bottom of the crack.

Amp location within the crack in Archer's Line (Image via Destiny 2)
Amp location within the crack in Archer's Line (Image via Destiny 2)

Jump down to one of the ledges as shown in the image above and interact with the Amp to get a randomly rolled IKELOS weapon.

II) Luna.Sanctuary.Stage.Backdrop

For this Amp, spawn into the Sanctuary waypoint of the Moon and head towards Eris Morn. Move past her and look for a ledge right in front of you. The image given below should give you a better idea of where to look.

Amp located in front of Eris Morn (Image via Bungie)
Amp located in front of Eris Morn (Image via Bungie)

Interact with the Amp located here to get an IKELOS weapon.

III) Luna.Anchor.Tower.Rotunda

Spawn on the Sanctuary and take the road to the right that leads to the Anchor of Light. Once you're in the area, look for an oval-shaped structure on the right side of the road.

Tower location within Anchor of Light (Image via Bungie)
Tower location within Anchor of Light (Image via Bungie)

If players are struggling to find this structure, the above image should provide some clarity.

IV) Luna.Archer.Dome.Catwalk

For this location, head to Archer's Line on the Moon and look for a structure with a dome-shaped roof on the extreme right. Enter and hop onto the catwalk inside and interact with the Amp, as shown in the images below.

Dome structure on the Moon (Image via Destiny 2)
Dome structure on the Moon (Image via Destiny 2)
Catwalk within the dome (Image via Bungie)
Catwalk within the dome (Image via Bungie)

Typically, there will be an IKELOS weapon drop upon interaction.

V) Luna.Hellmouth.Outcropping.Alcove

For this Amp, spawn on Sorrow's Harbor and look to your right. Follow the cave until you come into the Hellmouth area.

Cave on Hellmouth (Image via Destiny 2)
Cave on Hellmouth (Image via Destiny 2)
Amp located inside the cave (Image via Destiny 2)
Amp located inside the cave (Image via Destiny 2)

Move towards the extreme right into another cave, as shown in the image above, and look for the Amp here.

VI) Luna.Sorrow.Altar.Recess

Spawn on Sorrow's Harbor and head towards the very last plate located at the far end of the map. The image below should give you a clearer idea of the plate's location.

Cave opposite the plate (Image via Destiny 2)
Cave opposite the plate (Image via Destiny 2)

Look for a small cave opposite this plate, head inside, and you should find the Amp.

3) Europa

I) Europa.Ridge.Road.Ledge

Spawn on Charon's Crossing waypoint on Europa and take the left road to Cadmus Ridge. Once you're nearby, stop on the road and look for this ledge, as shown in the image below.

The Amp is located on the ledge (Image via Destiny 2)
The Amp is located on the ledge (Image via Destiny 2)

Drop down this ledge and interact with the Amp to get an IKELOS weapon.

II) Europa.Crossing.Outpost.Wall

For this location, spawn on Charon's Crossing and follow the road straight ahead. Once you're in front of the ramp, jump down on a metal ledge to the right.

Amp location at Charon's Crossing (Image via Destiny 2)
Amp location at Charon's Crossing (Image via Destiny 2)

Players should be careful as you can easily fall to your death here.

III) Europa.Abyss.Fissure.Construct

Head to Asterion Abyss from Charon's Crossing on Europa and look for the Concealed Void Lost Sector on the map. Once you're in the area, take the road to the left as shown in the image below, and look for the Amp to your right underneath the structures.

Path to the Amp on Asterion Abyss (Image via Destiny 2)
Path to the Amp on Asterion Abyss (Image via Destiny 2)
Amp location on Asterion Abyss (Image via Destiny 2)
Amp location on Asterion Abyss (Image via Destiny 2)

A much easier path is from the Lost Sector entrance. If you're coming out of the Sector, head right, keep going straight, and take the first path upwards to your left.

IV) Europa.Eventide.Cliff.Refuge

Spawn on the Eventide Ruins waypoint and look to your right on the ledges. Head to the edge and drop down until you see a massive cave entrance.

Path to the cave (Image via Destiny 2)
Path to the cave (Image via Destiny 2)

Once you're in front of the entrance, you will find the Amp to your left.

V) Europa.Beyond.Cliff.Landing

Spawn on Beyond in front of Exo Stranger and head towards the right. Follow this road by crossing the gaps between the ledges until you arrive at the end of the road.

The Amp is located at the end of the road (Image via Destiny 2)
The Amp is located at the end of the road (Image via Destiny 2)

As shown in the image above, the Amp can be found right at the end of this path.

VI) Europa.Eventide.Dome.Catwalk

Spawn on the Eventide Ruins waypoint and head left inside the first cave you see. You will then be underneath a dome structure with a catwalk surrounding the upper level.

Cave to the Amp (Image via Destiny 2)
Cave to the Amp (Image via Destiny 2)

Hop onto the catwalk and look for the Amp located here.

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