Best MP5A2 XDefiant loadout and class setup

Best MP5A2 loadout and class setup in XDefiant (Image via Ubisoft)
Best MP5A2 loadout and class setup in XDefiant (Image via Ubisoft)

XDefiant is a first-person shooter game currently in development at Ubisoft. The title offers high-octane gameplay similar to Call of Duty multiplayer game modes. With the public test beta session live, players wondering about the best MP5A2 XDefiant loadout and class setups are in the right place.

This article details the best MP5A2 XDefiant loadout and class setups so you can dominate the lobbies and secure wins easily.

Note: This article is subjective and solely relies on the writer's opinion.

Best MP5A2 XDefiant loadout attachments

Best MP5A2 loadout in XDefiant (Image via Ubisoft)
Best MP5A2 loadout in XDefiant (Image via Ubisoft)
  • Muzzle: Barrel Extender
  • Barrel: Stabilizing
  • Front Rail: Superlight
  • Rear Grip: Heavy Grip
  • Stock: Folded

The Muzzle mod, Barrel Extender, buffs the short and medium range, allowing you to shred opponents in the weapon’s effective range. Pairing it with the Stabilizing Barrel allows you to control the weapon even when shooting at adversaries from a medium distance, as this mod improves MP5A2's horizontal and vertical recoil.

The Superlight Front Rail mod enhances the weapons’ ADS (Aim Down Sights) time and buffs the character's movement speed, allowing you to secure a kill and get cover easily.

As for the Heavy Grip, it reduces the incoming flinch and vertical recoil, which is essential while fighting adversaries head-on. The folded grip helps you move faster as it boosts the player's movement speed by 7.00% while also increasing the weapon’s minimum and maximum spread.

Also Read: Convert CS2 sensitivity to XDefiant

Best MP5A2 XDefiant class setup

While constructing the best MP5A2 XDefiant loadout, you will need a gadget and sidearm that pair well with the SMG. The following section details the best class setup for MP5A2 in XDefiant.

Best Sidearm for the MP5A2 XDefiant loadout

Best 93R attachment combo in XDefiant (Image via Ubisoft)
Best 93R attachment combo in XDefiant (Image via Ubisoft)

If you're looking for the perfect sidearm for your loadout, the 93R is the most optimal choice. It is a three-round burst pistol that can be lethal in close-range fights.

As for its attachments, you must choose Compensator, Reflex Sight, Quick Mag, and Quick Draw Rear Grip. The compensator buffs the vertical recoil of the weapon, making it easier to control, while the Quick Mag decreases the reload speed, allowing you to reload the weapon quickly. The Quick Draw Rear Grip boosts the ADS and sprint to fire speed, allowing you to master the run-and-gun playstyle.

Best Gadget for the MP5A2 XDefiant loadout

The Sticky Grenade is the most useful gadget for this MP5A2 loadout. True to its name, the explosive can stick to surfaces and opponents making it an excellent choice for this loadout.

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