Best Warzone 2 loadout for SO-14 in Season 3 Reloaded

Best Warzone 2 loadout for SO-14 in Season 3 Reloaded (Image via Sportskeeda)
Best Warzone 2 loadout for SO-14 in Season 3 Reloaded (Image via Sportskeeda)

Call of Duty Warzone 2 received its Season 3 Reloaded update almost a week ago, which introduced a long list of weapon nerfs and buffs. The SO-14 was blessed with a total of four buffs, which contributed to its increase in damage output. This change has brought this battle rifle back into the spotlight, enabling players to take advantage of the battle royale’s fast Time-To-Kill (TTK) speed.

Warzone 2 players can equip the SO-14 as their primary weapon to participate in long-range gunfights. Its accuracy and stability default stats makes it possible to create a sharpshooter build that can eliminate players with ease. Players can increase its lethality further with the help of the advanced gunsmith platform to personalize it.

This article will highlight the best SO-14 build in Warzone 2 Season 3 Reloaded.

Most effective SO-14 setup for Warzone 2 in Season 3 Reloaded


Activision divides the seasonal payload into two parts - the inaugural season patch and the mid-seasonal patch. The developers implement various adjustments with these updates and continually try to create a balanced playing field for the entire player base. Fortunately, the SO-14 received buffs that made it viable for Warzone 2.

The SO-14 received changes that increased the minimum armor damage with both fire modes. The maximum damage output was also increased alongside a boost in the lower torso damage multiplier. This increased its overall ability to dish out high damage numbers while engaging in gunfights.

What is the best SO-14 weapon build?

SO-14 weapon build for Warzone 2 Season 3 Reloaded (Image via
SO-14 weapon build for Warzone 2 Season 3 Reloaded (Image via

The SO-14 battle rifle hails from the Ordnance weapons platform and boasts headshot damage of 70 in long range and 43 to the torso region. It has a rate of fire of 545 Rounds Per Minute and a whopping 660 m/s bullet velocity. Players can easily take advantage of the base stats and create a loadout that can shred enemies irrespective of range.

Here is the complete weapon build with the pros and cons of every attachment used in the build.

Recommended build:

  • Muzzle: Kastovia DX90
  • Barrel: 16” Chrome-Lines RFX40
  • Optic: Cronen Mini Pro
  • Laser: FSS OLE-V Laser
  • Magazine: 25-Round Mag

The Kastovia DX90 increases recoil control, recoil smoothness, and bullet velocity, alongside providing sound suppression to mask player position. It takes a toll on the overall Aim Down Sight (ADS) speed, aiming stability, and aim walking speed.

The 16” Chrome-Lines RFX40 barrel increases hip recoil control and ADS speed but reduces hip fire accuracy, damage range, and bullet velocity. The Cronen Mini Pro is a great optic attachment for almost all ranges but can be swapped out for a different one.

The FSS OLE-V laser attachment increases ADS speed, sprint-to-fire speed, and aiming stability. The laser light becomes visible when the gun is used in ADS mode.

The 25-round extended magazine helps players shoot for longer durations without frequently reloading while taking gunfights.


It is important to note that this SO-14 weapon build focuses on capitalizing on its accuracy, damage range, and bullet velocity without sacrificing ADS speed. Stay tuned to Sportskeeda for more weapon build guides.

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