Disney Dreamlight Valley guide: How to remove tree stumps - An Icy Invitation walkthrough

The Shovel Blade upgrade in Disney Dreamlight Valley (Image via Youtube - Mirraj Gaming)
The Shovel Blade upgrade in Disney Dreamlight Valley (Image via YouTube - Mirraj Gaming)

Disney Dreamlight Valley allows you to visit a magical land with your favorite Disney characters. However, not all is well in the world of Dreamlight Valley, as the land has become overgrown, and its residents have started to lose their memories. It falls to you to restore glory to this once grand kingdom.

Aside from restoring memories for many of the characters in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you’ll also be clearing up many obstacles in the area, such as Night Thorns, large rocks, unwanted plants, etc.

While most of these you’ll be able to remove from quite early on in the game, one obstacle, the tree stumps, will only be removable after you’ve played the story a little.

How to remove tree stumps in Disney Dreamlight Valley


When you enter the world of Disney Dreamlight Valley for the first time, you will quickly take note of the obstacles that block your path. Of these, the chief ones, initially, will be the Night Thorns and large rock formations. You’ll soon be given the means to remove them.

Another feature you might note is the preponderance of tree stumps worldwide, although they do not pose much of a problem. You might not even think they are obstacles, but once you get to the Forest of Valor biome, you’ll see that a collection of these is blocking your way to half of the area.

To remove them, you’ll first need to bring Anna to the village, which can be done by going to the Frozen realm and finishing a small quest there. Read on to know how to start the quest known as An Icy Invitation to bring Elsa back to the village and incidentally get yourself an upgrade for your Shovel.

An Icy Invitation walkthrough

After you’ve unlocked Anna in Disney Dreamlight Valley and brought her to the village, you’ll need to progress her friendship to level 2. Once this is done, go and talk to her, and she will reveal that she has an idea to bring Elsa back to the village, which will start the quest. Follow the steps below to complete it:

Step 1: Follow Anna to the bridge in the Forest of Valor after the initial conversation. You’ll see it is blocked off by tree stumps, locking off the other side of the forest where the Ice Cavern is.

Anna can't get past the tree stumps in Disney Dreamlight Valley (Image via Youtube - Mirraj Gaming)
Anna can't get past the tree stumps in Disney Dreamlight Valley (Image via Youtube - Mirraj Gaming)

Step 2: Anna will reveal that she owns a book that might reveal a way to remove the tree stumps, which seem to feed on dark magic. You’ll need to head to Anna’s house and search for the book.

Hint: head towards the library-like area, and you’ll spot a shining item on a table.

The book in Anna's house (Image via Youtube - Mirraj Gaming)
The book in Anna's house (Image via Youtube - Mirraj Gaming)

Step 3: After collecting the book (“Mystical Flora and Fauna”), hand it over to Anna. She’ll tell you that you’ll need to make a magic shovel that can break through the Dark Magic, for which you’ll need to collect some items. They are:

  • X10 Softwood
  • X4 Hardwood
  • X4 Iron Ingots
  • X3 Tinkering Parts

Tips: Softwood and Hardwood can be found near trees in the forest or the Glade of Trust. Iron Ingots need to be crafted from Iron Ore, which can be mined from mineral veins in the above two areas. Tinkering parts need to be crafted using Iron Ingots.

Step 4: After gathering and fabricating these materials, craft yourself the Shovel Blade from the Potions and Enchantment section of the crafting menu. Then use the Shovel Blade from your inventory to upgrade your basic Magic Shovel Royal Tool.

Step 5: Head back to the bridge in the Forest of Valor, and now you’ll be able to clear the stumps using your new and improved Shovel blade.

Step 6: Tell Anna that you’ve removed the stumps, and she’ll ask you to follow her to the Ice Cavern. She will ask you to take a picture of the cavern and give you a letter to Elsa, asking her to come to live in the valley.

Finishing the quest gets you one step closer to unlocking Elsa in Disney Dreamlight Valley (Image via Youtube - Mirraj Gaming)
Finishing the quest gets you one step closer to unlocking Elsa in Disney Dreamlight Valley (Image via Youtube - Mirraj Gaming)

Step 7: Head to the Frozen realm, give Elsa the letter and picture, and she will agree to come to the valley. Go back and talk to Anna to end the quest.

With that completed, you’ll now have the upgraded shovel as a permanent part of your inventory. With it, you can remove any stump in and around the valley. Removing stumps nets you some Softwood and Hardwood, so it can be pretty useful when foraging.

That’s how you can unlock the upgraded shovel in Disney Dreamlight Valley and remove tree stumps. Did you find the article helpful? If you did, why not let us know what other guides and walkthroughs you’d like to see in the comments below? You may even leave a like on this article if you’d like. Keep up with us for more on Disney Dreamlight Valley, and have a great day.

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