GTA Online Daily Objectives: Participate in Parachute Jump

(image credits: Pinterest)
(image credits: Pinterest)

GTA Online can be a bit overwhelming for new players or players coming back to the game after a while. The game has changed significantly since its launch, and players not familiar with all the latest updates will often find themselves confused as to what exactly to do while playing the game.

Therefore, the Daily Objectives in GTA Online provide the right direction to work towards to get RP and Cash. Daily Objectives are a great way to figure out what to do in order to make some extra cash and RP. Daily Objectives appear in the Interactive Menu in GTA Online.

It is always a good idea to keep an eye out for these objectives as cash and RP are the central part of the GTA Online experience, and one can never have enough. One such Daily Objective that pops up from time to time is:

'Participate in a Parachute Jump'

GTA Online: Participate in a Parachute Jump


Parachute Jumping or skydiving is also available in the Story Mode of GTA V, and the players can complete a variety of jumps. The game mode is similar in GTA Online, but with significantly more challenges, and up to 8 players can compete with each other at once.

The objective is relatively simple, as the players will start the jump from either a helicopter hovering a thousand feet above the ground or from a mountain top or a building. Players must attempt to hit each checkpoint on the way down, and the player with the most number of checkpoints will win the event.

The game mode can be launched from the Pause Menu. To start a parachute jump, navigate to the 'Online' tab in the pause menu, and look for Parachute Jumps in Jobs.

Alternatively, the player can look for different jumps in the game world while in Freemode. Simply navigating to the mission location will start a parachute jump and complete the Daily Objective in GTA Online.

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