How to counter Junker Queen in Overwatch 2

Junker Queen in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard)
Junker Queen in Overwatch 2 (image via Blizzard)

Overwatch 2 is a very unique hero shooter. The game features multiple heroes that come with their own skill sets and abilities. Most importantly, these heroes belong to different classes as well, making team combinations a very important aspect in each and every match.

Given that every hero has their own unique ability, there exist multiple heroes within the roster itself that act as counters to that hero. As mentioned above, heroes come with classes in Overwatch 2. These classes are as follows:

  • Damage
  • Support
  • Tank

Junker Queen is one such hero that falls under the "Tank" category. She deals high damage and can easily stomp the enemy. So what are the best counters to this hero?

Note: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.

Mei, Kikiro, and more Junker Queen counters in Overwatch 2


Junker Queen is a hero that can safely be dubbed a Berserker Tank. Her abilities allow her to deal a lot of burst damage. Additionally, the more she wounds her enemies, the more she can heal herself. This can be very useful in combat, because not only is she damaging the enemy, but she's also healing herself at the same time.

However, the biggest drawback here is the fact that she's a tank with a very low health pool. Moreover, any ability that can block her self-healing abilities can be used to further weaken her. With her self-healing taken away, Junker Queen becomes rather squishy.

Keeping all that in mind, here are some of the heroes that can be used to effectively counter Junker Queen in Overwatch 2.

1) Mei


Mei is probably the strongest counter to Junker Queen. Despite being a Damage hero, Mei is more of a Support character. Not only that, but Mei can also nullify some of the status effects that Junker Queen applies on her enemies. Without her abilities, Junker Queen is quite easy to deal with.

Mei's skill set allows her to sit down and endure the barrage of attacks laid down by the tank without losing even a bit of health. Moreover, she's got the ability to slow down her enemies, making her even more deadly in the heat of the battle.

Her Cryo Freeze ability is something that makes her lethal. When this ability is activated, Mei encapsulates herself in a cloak of ice, that cleanses her of all status effects and heals her. This very ability is enough to annoy Junker Queen in Overwatch 2.

2) Ana


Junker Queen's biggest bonus is the fact that she can heal herself. However, if that self-healing ability is taken away, it's quite easy to take down this Berserker Tank in Overwatch 2. Ana might not be able to do much damage since she's mostly a Support character. However, she's got a grenade which is known as the Biotic Grenade.

While this does heal her allies, it does not let her enemies heal themselves. This grenade is particularly useful when used against Junker Queen in Overwatch 2.

3) Kikiro


Similar to Ana, Kikiro can also mess with Junker Queen's abilities in the game. However, rather than not letting Junker Queen heal, she removes all status effects applied to her allies, allowing them to get into battle rather quickly. The ability that allows her to do this is her Protection Suzu.

Not only does this remove all status effects applied by Junker Queen on her allies, but it also makes them invulnerable for a short period of time. While Kikiro isn't directly a threat to her, she does have the ability to make her allies a threat to Junker Queen in Overwatch 2.

4) Bastion


After being disabled for a while since the game went live, Bastion is back in the game and is still a Tank killer. It doesn't matter if he's in Recon mode or in Assault mode, Bastion will forever be dangerous to Junker Queen as long as he can maintain his distance.

In Recon mode, Bastion uses an SMG which dishes out a good amount of damage, while in Assault mode, he fires a modified minigun. While he does a decent amount of damage with his SMG, Bastion can quite literally melt Junker Queen while in Assault mode because of the sheer damage that he can dish out.

5) Roadhog


Roadhog, in a nutshell, is a tank with a huge health pool. In most cases, this hero can be downright annoying in each and every match in Overwatch 2, thanks to the immense amount of health he comes into the game with. Moreover, Roadhog can also heal himself with the "Take a Breather" ability.

While Junker Queen can heal herself too, her damage output isn't as great as Roadhog. Moreover, she's more effective in close-range battles, so Roadhog can take her down while maintaining a good amount of distance from her.

These heroes mentioned above can effectively defeat Junker Queen in a direct gunfight. Other heroes on the entire roster can defeat her too, but they might not be as effective as the ones mentioned on this list.

That said, Overwatch 2 is a game that requires a certain amount of skill as well. If the above heroes aren't able to keep Junker Queen in check, it's probably because players aren't using the heroes effectively, or are being slow when it comes to activating the abilities. Either way, the heroes and their abilities require some practice before players can get used to them.

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