How to get Primogems fast in Genshin Impact 2.4: All possible sources explained

Travelers can earn thousands of Primogems in this update if they're diligent (Image via miHoYo)
Travelers can earn thousands of Primogems in this update if they're diligent (Image via miHoYo)

Primogems are necessary for many Travelers, especially if Genshin Impact 2.4's banners intrigue them.

They're a currency that is hard to get for F2P players but very easy to spend. Thus, many Travelers are always looking for ways to earn Primogems. Some methods are obvious, while others can be easier to miss.

This guide will primarily target beginners who wish to know how to get plenty of Primogems quickly in the game's current version. These tips will be relevant in future updates, although some specific parts will be altered (like specific Redeem Codes).

How to obtain Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.4

The 2.4 artwork (Image via miHoYo)
The 2.4 artwork (Image via miHoYo)

This article will cover several ways for players to earn Primogems in Genshin Impact 2.4 in the following order:

  • P2W methods
  • Redeem Codes
  • Daily Commissions
  • Spiral Abyss
  • Participating in events
  • Miscellaneous methods

P2W methods

This is the best way to earn Primogems in the game, but it's not available to F2P players (Image via Genshin Impact)
This is the best way to earn Primogems in the game, but it's not available to F2P players (Image via Genshin Impact)

If a player wants to earn as many Primogems as possible within a few minutes, buying a bulk of Genesis Crystals is their best option. They would get a Double Crystal Bonus if they still have a first-time purchase since the last reset, which could get a substantial amount of Genesis Crystals.

Genesis Crystals are converted to Primogems in a 1:1 ratio. This method requires real-life money, so it's not an option for F2P players or very light spenders. Still, it's easily the best method for whales.

The paid Battlepass is another option (Image via Genshin Impact)
The paid Battlepass is another option (Image via Genshin Impact)

Alternatively, players can get 680 Primogems at Level 50 of the paid version of the game's Battle Pass. Doing so will also give them four Intertwined Fates, which will help with any future character or weapon banner.

Also, Blessing of the Welkin Moon is another option. Travelers will get 300 Genesis Crystals and 2,700 Primogems in 30 days. They can buy it several times to instantly get the 300 Genesis Crystals, but the 90 daily Primogems doesn't change (instead prolongs the "days remaining" section).

Redeem Codes

Redeem Codes often give players a small chunk of free Primogems (Image via Genshin Impact)
Redeem Codes often give players a small chunk of free Primogems (Image via Genshin Impact)

There should be a Special Program for the 2.5 update near Genshin Impact 2.4. The main draw for that Special Program would be the temporary Redeem Codes, which would provide an ample opportunity for players to get 300 free Primogems.

Aside from that, there are two currently valid Redeem Codes in January 2022:


Daily commissions

It's 60 free Primogems a day (Image via Genshin Impact)
It's 60 free Primogems a day (Image via Genshin Impact)

One of the best and quickest ways to earn Primogems is by doing Daily Commissions. This method will always be viable, as it's an extra 60 Primogems per day. Most Daily Commissions are easy to do, which is nice given that they don't take up much of a player's time.

A few Commissions are also tied to Achievements, which helps add to a player's Primogem count.

Spiral Abyss

Travelers can get 600 Primogems for doing Floors 9 through 12 (Image via Genshin Impact)
Travelers can get 600 Primogems for doing Floors 9 through 12 (Image via Genshin Impact)

A player's progress in their Spiral Abyss will determine how many Primogems they can get:

  • Floors 1 through 8: Up to 2,400 Primogems (only once)
  • Floors 9 through 12: Up to 600 Primogems (per reset)

The Spiral Abyss's Floors 9 through 12 reset twice a month.

Getting Intertwined Fates to save Primogems

Stardust Exchange is F2P-friendly (Image via Genshin Impact)
Stardust Exchange is F2P-friendly (Image via Genshin Impact)

There are a few ways to acquire Intertwined Fates:

  • The paid Battle Pass (up to four)
  • Sacred Sakura's Favor (up to ten)
  • Stardust Exchange (up to five per reset)

One Intertwined Fate is the equivalent of 160 Primogems.

Participating in events

Every major update has several events for the player to do (Image via Genshin Impact)
Every major update has several events for the player to do (Image via Genshin Impact)

The 2.4 update has several events for Travelers seeking to earn extra Primgoems. For example, Windtrace and Test Run award players 420 and 40, respectively. Future events, such as Fleeting Colors in Flight, will also give them other opportunities to earn more Primogems.

Miscellaneous methods

Daily Check-In is another thing players should regularly do (Image via miHoYo)
Daily Check-In is another thing players should regularly do (Image via miHoYo)

There are many tasks for Travelers to consider outside of the methods above. For example:

  • Opening chests
  • Quests
  • Daily-Check In
  • Achievements

These are the average Primogem count per chest:

  • Common: 0~2
  • Exquisite: 2~5
  • Precious: 5~10
  • Luxurious: 10~40
An example of what Hangout Events can give players (Image via Genshin Impact)
An example of what Hangout Events can give players (Image via Genshin Impact)

Some quests will reward players with Primogems (a variable amount) and other items. Quest types include:

  • Archon Quests
  • Hangout Events
  • Story Quests
  • World Quests

Daily Check-In will give players 60 Primogems a month. All Achievements will provide the player at least 5 Primogems, with the total a player can earn in the 2.4 update depending on their current progress.