Modern Warfare 2 fans on Reddit roast the 'most boring, low effort map in COD history'

Taraq multiplayer map in Modern Warfare 2 (Image via Activision)
Taraq multiplayer map in Modern Warfare 2 (Image via Activision)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 featured a total of 10 maps at launch for the Core modes. While fans have claimed most maps to be mediocre, they often consider two particular maps to be the worst in the game - Taraq and Santa Sena Border Crossing.

The multiplayer map 'Taraq' has recently been the target of several criticisms and hate from the community. Taraq is located in Al Mazrah, the United Republic of Adal, a fictional region in the game, where the two factions, 'SpecGru' and 'KorTac,' face off against each other. Taraq is a reimagined version of the COD map 'Neuville' and acts as a Core map and a Battle map.

Here's how Call of Duty fans are reacting to the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer map Taraq.

Fans aren't happy with Modern Warfare 2's Taraq map

Reddit user u/Klubhead shared their thoughts on the Modern Warfare 2 subreddit regarding the map Taraq, calling it the "most boring, low-effort map in COD history." They started off by stating that Santa Sena Border Crossing receives a lot of hate for being the worst map in the series. Then goes on to compare Santa Sena with Taraq, calling the latter the worst among the two.

The community doesn't like Santa Sena Border Crossing. It receives an incredible amount of hate due to its three-lane design, which doesn't even consist of two complete lanes. Moreover, the map is extremely linear and difficult to engage adversaries in. Fans fear enemies and cars on the map that can blow up and take out unsuspecting players.

Despite all the negatives the Santa Sena Border Crossing map carries, u/Klubhead believes the map Taraq to be the worst map in Modern Warfare 2.

Their post quickly attracted the attention of the Call of Duty community, who joined the thread to add their opinions.

u/poopooTWU mentions that despite the map being covered with buildings, none act as a cover. Taraq is filled with broken buildings. This should result in plenty of surfaces for players to cover. However, these structures are so implemented that users don't seem to be able to use them for cover and instead get eliminated.

To u/poopooTWU's comment, another fan added that a player in their match deployed an MGB nuke by simply camping inside a bathroom in the center of the map. MGB nukes are similar to Tactical nukes from the original Modern Warfare 2 (2009), which are rewarded to players for going on a 30-kill streak.

This implies that a player just camped in the bathroom and collected 30 consecutive kills without dying.

Another Redditor stated that they have a bad time every time they play the map. u/Greasol discusses that the map has terrible spawn locations, and players will often spawn near their enemies and are immediately exposed to threats as soon as they are respawned. They added that despite the map being covered with buildings, it lacks proper cover. This restricts mobility as they now have to check multiple angles simultaneously before changing their position.

They also compared Santa Senta Border Crossing to Taraq by criticizing the latter for its vehicle explosions and poor visibility.

Reddit user u/HelpfulSeaMammal shared that they absolutely hate playing game modes such as Team Deathmatch and Kill Confirmed on Taraq due to the nature of the map. They also criticized the buildings and the lack of cover on the map. They further added that aside from Domination, other objective-based game modes play out pretty well.

However, they are not critical of Santa Sena Border Crossing and claim it to be a fun map.

Responding to u/HelpfulSeaMammal's comment, another user explained why Domination isn't fun on Modern Warfare 2's Taraq.

They mentioned that players would hold the two-story building on the 'B' point in the Domination mode. The room allows clear vision of the capture point as well as sight at plenty of angles from which enemies can approach the site. Hence, it is a haven for players defending the 'B' site.

This has players constantly competing for the 'B' site, and all the action goes on around it, resulting in a stale Domination experience.

u/Excellent_Winter_888 summed up his Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer experience in a few words. They state that anytime they end up finding a match on Santa Sena Border Crossing or Taraq, they simply dodge the match to prevent themselves from having a bad time. This way, the game has been much more enjoyable for the user.

As previously mentioned, Taraq is a reimagined version of the map 'Neuville.' u/otde5000 explains that although it is an old map that was liked back in the day, these maps from the classic Call of Duty games don't provide the same experience in modern titles.

They stated that with time, the series' gameplay mechanics have changed. The way those previous entries worked made those maps fun. However, with the upgraded mechanics, graphics, perk system, and more, these maps don't work in new Call of Duty games like in previous titles.

Finally, they added that they are skeptical of remade versions of popular maps like Terminal and Highrise to Modern Warfare 2, as they wouldn't play out well with modern tech.

Modern Warfare 2's map collection so far isn't the best in the series. Fans have often criticized the maps for their spawn system and overall poor design. However, with two new iconic maps - Shipment and Shoothouse - coming to the title with Season One, fans are now eagerly waiting to get their hands on them.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Season 1, along with the highly anticipated DMZ mode, will be launching on November 16 for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5.

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