5 strongest champions in Wild Rift

Aurelion Sol is one of the most potent Wild Rift champions in terms of effectiveness (Image via Riot Games)
Aurelion Sol is one of the most potent Wild Rift champions in terms of effectiveness (Image via Riot Games)

With over 60 champions on board, Wild Rift has gained immense popularity worldwide over the past year.

There are several ways to determine the strength of a Wild Rift champion. According to League of Legends lore, wild beasts and super-human champions like Rengar, Pantheon, and Galio are some of the most powerful ones. Others, meanwhile, have their own ways of dominating the rift.

The power scaling for every Wild Rift champion differs hugely from their canon lore and how they have been represented inside the game. Today’s list will deal with five of the strongest champions in Wild Rift in terms of overall effectiveness in the game.

Wild Rift’s top five champions in terms of effective strength

5) Aurelion Sol

Wild Rift's Star Forger is generally played in the mid-lane (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)
Wild Rift's Star Forger is generally played in the mid-lane (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)

Aurelion Sol is a ranged champion that deals magic damage with spell-casting abilities, stuns, movement speed, and a prolonged ultimate. Wild Rift's Star Forger is generally played in the mid-lane and is highly effective during solo fights for his tremendous movement speed.

Aurelion Sol's combination of tanky items and consistent damage from W - Celestial Expansion makes him one of the strongest champions in Wild Rift. His passive, Center of the Universe, deals 18 magic damage, and Q - Starsurge stuns enemy champions effectively between 0.4 and 1.6s based on time traveled.


Aurelion Sol's third skill, Comet of Legend, gives him the ability to see and travel over walls for 9 seconds. The champion's ult, Voice of Fire, exhales Starfire, dealing 150 magic damage and slowing down enemies by 40% makes him very difficult to deal with in Wild Rift.

4) Akali

The Rogue Assassin is a fearsome mid laner who is one of the strongest in Wild Rift for her perfect snowball executions (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)
The Rogue Assassin is a fearsome mid laner who is one of the strongest in Wild Rift for her perfect snowball executions (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)

Akali is a melee assassin champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. She deals magic damage with spell-casting abilities, staying invisible, and dashes using her R - Perfect Execution.

The Rogue Assassin is a fearsome mid laner who is one of the strongest in Wild Rift for her perfect snowball executions. Adding Hextech Gunblade to Akali's build makes her even harder to deal with.


Akali's passive, Assassin Mark, deals active ability damage to a champion by revealing a ring for 4 seconds. Crossing the ring empowers Akali's next attack to gain 100 range and deal 40 bonus magic damage.

Her W- Five Point Strike allows her to launch five kunais, dealing 67 magic damage to the enemies. Akali's invisibility traits come with her ability kit, making her one of the strongest champions to deal with in Wild Rift.

3) Jax

The Grandmaster at Arms is known for his late-game superiority (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)
The Grandmaster at Arms is known for his late-game superiority (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)

Jax is a fighter champion, commonly played as a top laner or jungler in Wild Rift. He is one of the strongest champions in-game, known for his late-game superiority.

The Grandmaster at Arms can abuse opponents' top laners by stacking his passive and auto-attacking them.


Jax's E - Counter Strike ability lets him take less damage from the minions, allowing him to trade aggressively early in the game. His actual power spike arrives at level 5. Until then, players need to play relatively safe, especially with threats of ganks.

Once true power is gained, Jax flawlessly out scales opponents and becomes a hyper-carry. His ult, the Grandmaster's Might, is one of the strongest in Wild Rift, whose every third consecutive attack deals an additional 100 magic damage to opponents.

2) Sona

The Enchanter support mostly plays in the dragon lan (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)
The Enchanter support mostly plays in the dragon lan (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)

Sona is a mage support champion in Wild Rift. Maven of the Strings is one of the strongest picks in the game who efficiently provides increased damage, boosted movement speed, and crowd control abilities to her teammates. The Enchanter support mostly plays in the dragon lane.

Sona's W - Aria of Perseverance creates a healing ring that helps heal allied minions and champions, making her one of Wild Rift's most effective support champions. Any team picking Sona and a good ADC in the drafting phase always gets the upper hand over opponents.

1) Darius

He can be highly effective in early and mid games (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)
He can be highly effective in early and mid games (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)

Darius is one of the most versatile and powerful top lane champions in Wild Rift. The Hand of Noxus is a melee champion who can deal more physical damage and slow down opponents. Darius' unique ability kit helps him play aggressively, starting from the early stages to the late phases of a game.

Darius's Q - Decimate allows him to heal himself, making it a nightmare for the opponent's laners to kill him in the early game. He can be highly effective in mid-games as well.

Darius can secure a massive gold and item advantage over his enemies with well-timed ganks by his allies.


He can also torment enemies that dare roam around with low health during late games, racking kill after kill with an instant-reset on the cooldown timer, using his ultimate ability, Noxian Guillotine.

Note: This article reflects the author’s opinion, and what may seem the best to one may not be so to someone else.