Saints Row (2022) guide: 10 tips and tricks for new players

Here are some tips to get your criminal empire enterprise kicked off smoothly (Images via Deep Silver)
Here are some tips to kick off your criminal empire enterprise smoothly (Images via Deep Silver)

Saints Row (2022), the latest game from developer Volition, is a brand new take on the beloved open-world crime franchise of the same name. With this reboot, there are many elements it overhauls and introduces. These range from new gameplay and progression systems to brand new activities.

It is thus a new experience for both newcomers and veterans of the series. As the Boss of the newly established gang called the Saints, players will engage in a variety of open-world shenanigans to rise in power, fame and money. Here is how to make the most of your playthrough in Saints Row (2022).

These 10 tips and tricks can help players avoid gameplay pitfalls in Saints Row (2022)

1) Place Criminal Ventures strategically on the Empire map

Create your own criminal empire (Screenshot via Saints Row)
Create your own criminal empire (Screenshot via Saints Row)

As they progress through the story and unlock the Saints HQ, players will eventually gain access to the Empire map. This highlights empty lots in the city of Santo Ileso that the Saints can purchase and set up facilities known as "Criminal Ventures."

These establishments allow the gang to run illegal ventures like protection rackets and smuggling. From a gameplay standpoint, they are mostly new activities that players can partake in to earn cash and XP.

Once they are founded, they cannot be relocated, so players must take care of their location. Some of them have non-activity uses, like Jim Rob's Garage, which allows players to store vehicles in addition to undertaking car theft missions.

As an example, place the Garage somewhere away from the main HQ, which also has a personal garage for the players' Boss' use. This way, there two different locations on the map with distinct garages.

2) Send away your allies when not needed

Your buddies will accompany you at every step of the journey (Images via Deep Silver)
Your buddies will accompany you at every step of the journey (Images via Deep Silver)

It is pretty much common knowledge at this point that the game is buggy. One of the ramifications of this is subpar AI, including your allies Neenah, Kevin, and Eli. Players can call any and all of them to aid the player in combat, and will follow the Boss around. Since their AI is not particularly great, having all three of them running around could lead to the player having to babysit them.

Since some of the best vehicles in the game are two-seaters, two AI allies will split up and drive in their own cars. However, if they die, say during a car chase, players may not be in a position to revive them. If any of the characters die, there is a ridiculous 10 minute delay before they can be called in, so it is best to stick to one character at a time for most exploration scenarios, as they will stick like glue by your side.

3) Set up appropriate skills before missions


Despite being a reboot, the game follows many design elements of older titles. This allows players to shoot and drive through the main missions, which includes completing objectives across different set pieces, like a massive firefight on a running train, for example.

In such scenarios, players will be unable to change their Skills (or appearance for that matter), so it is advised to check if all proper skills have been slotted in. Try to use more offensive ones that rely on buffing the player or dealing damage directly. Intercession skills do not work during main missions as the Saints reinforcements do not come in.

4) Explore the world with vehicles and store your favorites

There are some amazing vehicles waiting to be colected (Screenshot via Saints Row)
There are some amazing vehicles waiting to be colected (Screenshot via Saints Row)

Traversing is one of the most important aspects of any open-world experience. For a GTA clone like Saints Row, the vehicles need to be attractive. From cars and bikes to boats and aircrafts, there is no shortage of favorites to find here. Players will receive new vehicles as rewards for progressing through the various missions as well.

Players can also explore the vast cityscape of Santo Ileso and hijack whichever wheeled beauty catches their eye. While vehicles owned by the three main factions (as well as police) will obviously incur the wrath of the relevant gang, there are many rarer gems to find. These include the lightning fast Fer de Lance and the stylish Attrazione. Happy hunting!

5) Focus on headshots to ensure the Takedown meter fills faster

Heads go pop! (Screenshot via Saints Row)
Heads go pop! (Screenshot via Saints Row)

One of the newest introductions to the series is the Takedown meter. This is a gauge that, when full (at 100%), allows the Boss to execute a flashy takedown. This over-the-top and sometimes hilarious move also heals a portion of the player's health. While the meter gradually increases on its own during combat, enemy kills help rack it up much faster.

Finding yourself on the lower end of the HP bar can be problematic, after all. In a scenario where the Takedown meter is not even close to being full, players can nudge it along by quickly eliminating foes.

Take cover, focus on weaker enemies, and use high-powered weapons (like the powerful TOGO-13 sniper rifle) to aid that tactic - and watch the meter rise up with headshots after headshots.

6) Fire is your friend and enemy

Brutal but satisfying (Screenshot via Saints Row)
Brutal but satisfying (Screenshot via Saints Row)

Like previous games in the series, this reboot also has elemental attacks. For example, the Los Panteros gang can chuck molotovs at the players to set them on fire, and that can be quite deadly. Of course, the Boss has some tricks up their sleeve as well, with offensive options of their own.

These can usually be triggered in the form of Signature Abilities on a weapon. It bears mention because elements can disrupt and damage enemies faster than a normal weapon. For example, the Sawed-Off Shotgun's unique trait can ignite enemies, which can chew through armored foes in a jiffy.

7) Do not ignore challenges

These optional activities offer a unique challange (Screenshot via Saints Row)
These optional activities offer a unique challange (Screenshot via Saints Row)

Players can use their smartphones to select the main and side missions in Saints Row (2022). Additionally, it also allows access to Challenges. This is crucial because they help with unlocking new Perks. Perks are equippables that grant a variety of bonuses and benefits like increased XP, increased ammo pickups, and more NPC ally damage.

They also fall under three categories: Minor, Major and Elite, with the latter offering some neat upgrades. Considering how some mainstay abilities like dual-wielding are locked behind this interplay between the Challenge and Perk systems, it should not be overlooked.

Saints Row (2022) is out for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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