Top 10 things to avoid in Fortnite Season 6

(Image via Epic Games)
(Image via Epic Games)

In Fortnite, just about every single player makes mistakes. There is a clear difference between newbie mistakes and just overall super common mistakes that everyone does in-game. However, avoiding these mistakes can make someone the best Fortnite player out there. Remember, never feel bad for making mistakes in-game, it happens to everyone, even the pros. The best thing to do is just learn from the mistake and continue onward.

Below is a look at the top 10 things players should avoid doing in Fortnite Season 6.

Top 10 Things to Avoid in Fortnite

#10 – Farming Vehicles

A common mistake players make is farming vehicles for mechanical parts with their pickaxe in Fortnite. If players have an SMG on hand, they should use that instead for much higher drop rates. Doing this is a great way to be less obvious to opponents as players smash down with a pickaxe, plus the SMG will be faster.

Want to know what items might feature in the shop tomorrow? Check out our predictions for tomorrow's Fortnite Item Shop

#9 – Underestimating the Storm

In Fortnite a player can be across the map, or only halfway towards the zone and decide they have a lot of time before the storm arrives. However, don’t do this! The storm is quick, though vehicles can help sometimes, the storm is always going to be faster. Only take time to loot and explore if players are already near the zone by one POI away.

#8 – Sticking to the Same Weapon

Sometimes players get used to one weapon and find it hard to switch their weapons. However, it's recommended to always be able to explore until players have the right match. Sticking to the same gun over and over isn't recommended because sometimes players can't adjust later when adjustments are truly needed.

#7 – Not Using Movement Items

Players tend to completely avoid items that help them move quickly around the map. Players should avoid this, Hot Peppers can be extremely useful in-game for quick getaways and just overall getting an advantage on the opponent. Sometimes players feel like these items just take up their inventory, it’s not true. If they are used right, these items will always help.

#6 – Never Stay on the High Ground

In Fortnite, players are going to find themselves on the high ground pretty often. Even though it’s really good to build and get above the enemy, it’s never a good idea to stay on the high ground. Anything can happen from players falling straight down to the opponent building around and coming from above as well. Be sure to always be on the move.

#5 – Not Taking Breaks

Taking literal breaks during Fortnite is a great way to understand and improve skills. Some players assume that stopping after a few matches or hours will eliminate or take away everything they just learned. But that’s false, be sure to take some breaks and work those memory muscles in the brain so that players remember their skills better

#4 – Tunnel Vision

Sometimes in Fortnite, players tend to get tunnel vision. This is when they simply look in one direction and one direction only, but this is one of the biggest mistakes they can make. This will allow other opponents to come out from any direction and make players lose sight of the main objective.

#3 – Don’t Be Impatient

In Fortnite, players should have a lot of patience. Being impatient is a horrible mistake to make, as sometimes players want to make any moves and every move which leads to elimination. Being impatient also leads to missing shots and being shot right back into the lobby. Be patient and wait for the right move.

#2 – Never Leave the Team

Mistake players still make to this day is leaving their team. Leaving the team behind or simply just losing track of them makes all players vulnerable. It’s especially annoying when one teammate leaves and everyone else gets knocked down, they might not reach them in time to revive anyone, making everyone lose.

#1 – Sprinting Wrong

Everyone sprints in Fortnite, but some people do a rock. When sprinting, players should typically always jump and turn to see who is around. Simply running straight puts players in a vulnerable position where they can get knocked down or eliminated easily. Jumping at least buys time and turning gives players a good look at who’s around in the environment they’re in.

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The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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