Where to find all Crew Rigs in Dead Space remake and how to craft Master Override

While this hunt may seem tedious, the rewards are worth it (Images via EA)
While this hunt may seem tedious, the rewards are worth it (Images via EA)

The Dead Space remake is a brand new revival of the dormant survival horror franchise from EA. This recreation of the beloved 2008 original is a trip back to the dreaded USG Ishimura, as protagonist Isaac Clarke must battle the horrors that lurk aboard. With slow-paced exploration being a fundamental element of the game, players will find many opportunities to do so. Particularly since the vast spaceship has been overhauled with the ability to backtrack in this remake.

A side mission in the game called "You are not Authorized" will see Isaac hunt down a variety of Rigs around Ishimura. They are required to craft the Master Override component, the only way to unlock special containers containing items and resources for late-game upgrades and unlock new passages.

This guide covers how to find all Rigs and craft the Master Override.

Players must explore every nook and cranny to find all Rigs in Dead Space Remake

Before players can begin their hunt, they must activate the side quest. It can be obtained in the Captain's Nest area after meeting Hammond. Here, players will notice a console with red UI. Interacting with it begins the "You are not Authorized" mission. This sees layers collect the Rigs belonging to various deceased crew members: Voelker, White, Holt, Dallas, Rousseau, Bailey, and Benson.

Each of these is scattered around different sectors of the Ishimura. Given that backtracking is possible, players are bound to come across them. Especially if they wish to leave no stone unturned.

But do note that many of these will be locked behind areas requiring higher security clearance levels, so players may not be able to collect them all immediately. Rather, they must follow the progression of the narrative until all three security levels are obtained, which opens up the exploration possibilities further.


Here are all the locations of each Rig in Dead Space remake:

  • Voelker: Players can come across this Rig before they have activated the side mission. Voelker's Rig is found in Chapter 2 during the zero-gravity section. Here, Hammond will send Isaac into the hangar to find a way back into the Engineering Deck. This sees players pass a forcefield and out into the vacuum of space with reducing oxygen supply. Head further in until you see an oxygen refill point, to the left of which a purple light will be visible next to a floating corpse. interact to pick up Voelker's Rig.
  • White: Past Chapter 4, players will be asked to reroute power to the ADS cannons to take down incoming asteroids. When players go to calibrate the three guns in zero-gravity manually, White's Rig can be seen as a purple glow beside another corpse. It is past the final calibration point, before the end of the trench corridor.
  • Holt: This is found in Chapter 6 on the Hydroponics Deck in Dead Space remake. This area will be infested by tentacle-like growths whose weak points must be shot at to remove them. Clearing one of them allows entry into the East Grow Chamber, with more growths waiting to be cleared across two branching paths. Holt's Rig is on the left path underneath the tentacle crowding the walkway.

  • Dallas: The Mining Supervisor's Rig can be found in Dead Space remake's Chapter 7 on the Mining Deck. The main mission guarantees players will pick this up without missing it. To get to it, players must throw the four rocks into the machinery to unlock the main room. Players will find the Rig in the same room as the SOS beacon. It is on the floor, next to an audio log on the desk. This is also where players will get the final level three security clearance.
  • Rousseau: This can be obtained easily after achieving the level three security clearance. Head back to the Engineering Deck and then to the end of the area and into the section with fleshy-infested growth on every surface. Looking at the map, players should see a level three clearance door. Unlock it to enter a small room with the Chief Officer's Rig lying on the floor.
  • Bailey: The Comms Officer's Rig is found during Chapter 8 in Dead Space remake. Once the Bridge Tram Station is unlocked, players must fix the Comms Array on the Bridge Deck. This takes them to an area with three doors, one of them leading to Bailey's office. Find his rig on the table beside his lifeless corpse.
  • Benson: The final one is Tram Supervisor's Rig and is found in the Tram Tunnels area in Chapter 10. Once players leave the Valor shuttle, players will be soon notified that an area on the bridge atrium has been unlocked. This takes players through the Crew Deck and into the Tram Tunnels. Here, head left and down the stairs, then take a right and walk down the dimly lit corridor. Look to the right side to find Benson's Rig.

How to craft the Master Override in Dead Space remake?

Once all Rigs have been collected, players must head back to the Captain's Nest to complete the mission.

Head back to the same control panel to assemble the Rigs and establish the Master Override. This wraps up the "You are not Authorized" mission in Dead Space remake and opens up the remaining locked areas of the USG Ishimura to explore. These will be indicated by star icons on the map, and this access will allow unlocked special yellow crates as well.

Dead Space remake is available on PC, PS5, and XSX|S.

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