GTA 4 Mods: 5 of the best mods for the game in 2020

(image credits: gtagamingarchive)
(image credits: gtagamingarchive)

One of the most impressive aspects of the GTA franchise, apart from the games themselves, has always been the modding community. Modding has always been a huge part of PC gaming, and perhaps no other game series other than GTA has witnessed a more active modding community.

The community is replete with mods from those that change the game experience entirely to some that make smaller but useful tweaks for making the game that much more fun. While skins and other cosmetic mods are still fun, the mods on this list take it a step further.

While GTA IV is a pretty solid game, there is always room for more fun. These mods look to make significant changes to the game code, resulting in a vastly different game experience than usual.

5 of the best mods for GTA IV in 2020

5) The Shark-O-Matic


Sure, GTA IV has a tonne of crazy weapons of all shapes and sizes, but none can ever come close to the Shark-O-Matic gun. If the gun's name sounds odd, you should see what it does to your enemies.

Aiming this at an enemy and shooting it causes a shark to burst through the concrete and swallow your enemy whole. If that doesn't sound like a fun time, then what does? The Shark-O-Matic adds a tonne of flair and ridiculousness to a somewhat grounded and gritty game that is GTA IV.

While it doesn't line up thematically or changes the game experience by a lot, there simply aren't mods that can provide the sort of fun that the Shark-O-Matic can.

4) Dual-Wield for Niko


Given his background in the military and a life in crime, Niko is a certified badass and is allowed to dual-wield weapons. In GTA IV, players cannot dual-wield smaller weapons like they could in earlier games.

Perhaps in a bid to be more realistic, Rockstar decided to take away dual-wielding in GTA IV, but this mod brings it right back in. As is the case with the previous mod on the list, this doesn't change the game's core mechanics a lot, but it certainly adds a lot of flavor.

Taking down an entire building full of enemies while dual-wielding two handguns never gets old, and this mod lets players channel their inner-John Wick in GTA IV.

3) GTA IV Beautification Project


GTA IV is not a bad-looking game by any means, and a lot of it still holds up pretty well, nearly 12 years since its release. However, a game could always use a touch-up after technology has moved way past than at the time of the game's release.

This mod doesn't just add new textures to GTA IV's assets, but also changes the lighting and color palette of GTA IV. The game suffered from the same de-saturated color palette of games of that era, and this mod looks to correct that.

The more bright color palette mixed with a slightly more upbeat lighting makes the game that much more digestible and not "grim" for the sake of being "gritty."

2) GTA Spider-Man Mod


The modding community has long been fascinated with bringing superheroes to the GTA games, and Spider-Man has seen several mods for many different games. However, at the time, this mod was perhaps the best Spider-Man experience before the release of Marvel's Spider-Man in 2018.

The swinging mechanics, although very rudimentary, were functional, and the number of unique animations provided a neat touch. It is mods like these that genuinely put the level of creativity and talent of the modding community on full display.

Although by no means a unique mod, it is one of the most well-made mods for GTA IV.

1) GTA IV: LCPD First Response


The LCPD First Response mod is one of the most popular mods in the GTA modding community. This essentially lets players cross over to the other side of the line regarding the law, and play as a police officer.

Complete with the ability to make arrests, the LCPD First Response is as immersive as it gets in GTA IV. Although the mod has stopped receiving support since the release of GTA V on PC and the birth of the LSPD First Response mod, the legacy version still works pretty well.

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