5 best Minecraft Java Edition servers with events

Events on Minecraft servers are a fun way to spice up the gameplay
Events on Minecraft servers are a fun way to spice up the gameplay

Minecraft servers often run special events to spice up gameplay. These events can include fun mini-games, with some of the most popular being Spleef, Parkour, TNT Run, Dropper, Hide and Seek, and more.

These event games allow participating players to win rewards, so they are hotly competitive. Much of the Minecraft multiplayer community would agree that events are one of the most fun things to participate in on any server.

Note: This article reflects the author's views.

5 best Minecraft servers that host special events for players

#5 Purple Prison - IP: purpleprison.org

Purple Prison is an extensive Minecraft Prison Server with parkour, maze and dropper events
Purple Prison is an extensive Minecraft Prison Server with parkour, maze and dropper events

With an uptime of almost eight years, Purple Prison is the most popular Minecraft prison server, boasting thousands of concurrent players. The server ranks #1 on a dedicated list of Minecraft Events Servers, found here.

There are various ways to earn money inside Purple Prison, one of which is to complete events, which are available 24/7. There are dozens of events to partake in, but the most popular ones are the maze event, the parkour event, and the dropper event.

To play an event, players can simply join the server and then type "/warps" in chat. This will bring up a menu from where players can select an event map to play.

#4 Advancius Network - IP: mc.advancius.net


Advancius Network features classically popular Minecraft multiplayer gamemodes that are commonly seen on other server networks. These gamemodes include Factions, Survival, and Kit-PvP.

The server also offers dedicated event-style gamemodes for players to enjoy, such as Dropper, Parkour, Spleef, Hide and Seek, Murder Mystery, Duels, Village Defense, Maze, and Boss Events.

#3 Pixelmon Realms - IP: play.pixelmonrealms.com

Pixelmon is one of the most popular mods for Minecraft
Pixelmon is one of the most popular mods for Minecraft

Pixelmon Realms is a Minecraft Pixelmon server that allows players to interact and train their favorite Pokemon creatures inside Minecraft.

It's become one of the most popular servers in recent years because it offers special Pokemon events, free shiny Pokemon, and lucky chances with drops and prizes at each event.

#2 Munchy MC - IP: munchymc.com

MunchyMC is an excellent place for Minecraft events
MunchyMC is an excellent place for Minecraft events

Munchy MC is a server owned by popular Minecraft YouTuber BadBoyHalo. It offers four primary gamemodes for players to enjoy. These are Prison, Survival, Kit-PvP, and Wool Wars.

Players can participate in several events on Munchy MC. From spleef tournaments to skin competitions, there's almost always an event taking place on the server.

#1 Archon - IP: archonhq.net


The Archon is one of the biggest Minecraft Factions servers and boasts thousands of players at peak times of the day.

Although the Archon is primarily a Factions server, the frequent events on the server are well-executed and intensely competitive. Winners of these events win rare prizes and items that can help them drastically in the main Factions gamemode.

Some past events run by the server include Spleef, TNT cannon competition, PvP-free-for-all, and more.

Also Read: Lightning Rod in Minecraft: Everything players need to know

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