5 best videos by Minecraft streamer TapL

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Image via YouTube

Harvey Lee, better known as TapL, is an American YouTuber who is known for his MInecraft videos, which center around Minecraft games such as UHC, Skywars and Bedwars. He is also a frequent entity in Minecraft Championships, having been ever-present since the Minecraft Championships 8.

Lots of TapL's Minecraft videos are taken from his Twitch streams, in which he does various Minecraft challenges. For those interested in TapL, down below are the 5 best Minecraft videos made by him.

Minecraft Videos by TapL

5) Minecraft, But Enchants Are OP...


In this video, TapL enables OP enchantments, meaning basic Minecraft enchantments are in the game, but are taken to a completely new level. Per usual Minecraft gameplay, TapL spends a few minutes at the beginning mining for materials and crafting items before going and enchanting his items.

What kind of insane enchantments will TapL come across?

This video has 233k likes and 10.2 million views.

4) Minecraft, But There Are Custom Enchants...


In this video, TapL adds some interesting and funny custom enchantments to Minecraft, such as Aimbot, Repel and many more. It takes TapL awhile to prepare for enchanting items, but when he is finally able to, it is definitely worth the wait. What kind of enchantments will be used in order to help TapL beat Minecraft?

This video has 229k likes and 10.3 million views.

3) Minecraft, Bug Eggs Drop OP Items...


TapL makes it so that chicken eggs drop massively OP items, such as highly enchanted swords or armor. In this challenge, TapL attempts to beat Minecraft with this unique twist.

In the beginning, he begins to collect chickens to keep them in the same spot and eventually travel with them. What kinds of items will TapL get by patiently waiting for the chickens to lay eggs?

This video has 281k likes and 12.2 million views.

2) Minecraft, But Your Health Multiplies Every Time A Creeper Explodes You...


In this video, TapL begins Minecraft with a single heart. Unlike in most instances when being exploded by a creeper, when TapL is exploded by a creeper, he will gain a bit of health each time. In the span of this 18 minute video, TapL encounters tons of creepers and gains an amazing amount of health. Just how many hearts does he have by the end of the video?

This video has 277k likes and 13.5 million views.

1) Minecraft, But You Can Mine The Entire Chunk...


In this video, TapL challenges himself to beat Minecraft while having the ability to mine an entire chunk at a time. He also added custom items that can be seen throughout the video.

While most people might think this is a somewhat easy challenge, accidentally mining downwards can be a big mistake, as all the blocks below him will disappear. Will TapL be able to reach the End and defeat the Ender Dragon?

This video has 577k likes and 26.3 million views.