5 best Minecraft meteor builds

Meteors make for cool builds in Minecraft (Image via Reddit)
Meteors make for cool builds in Minecraft (Image via Reddit)

The video game Minecraft inspires creativity among its users. Players who showcase incredible builds have invested thousands of hours into this game since it was first released in 2009. This title has given creative individuals a chance to express themselves in a virtual setting where they have total control over their surroundings and can build anything from castles to skyscrapers to whole cities.

However, what certain players like to make in this game the most are things from space. Many people hold a great fascination for the world above, and this article will offer a look at five of the greatest meteor builds in all of Minecraft.

Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

Best meteor builds for your Minecraft world

1) Well-made Meteor


This one is a meteor that has been expertly constructed, developed, and engineered. It is your best option if you're starting out with building in Minecraft and want to make something amazing.

This meteor looks magnificent in the night sky due to its color and size. It is made out of wool, which is extremely good news for players interested in building it on a Survival server. This well-designed masterpiece was constructed by YouTuber Jandem Bros.

2) Unique Meteor


The YouTuber Captain I made this build, which can be made with concrete and white stained glass, but if you don't have those things lying around, there are plenty of other blocks that will work just fine. Players can also simply build this meteor on a Creative server, as it would make the whole process much easier.

Once your creation is complete, it's time to shoot it from where you're standing. This can make it land in the ocean or another large body of water. This isn't something that can normally happen, but it could be accomplished if you're playing modded Minecraft.

3) Quick Meteor


Quick Meteor is a good option for those who want to get started with meteor building but don't have much time. It is extremely easy to make if you're playing Minecraft Creative. However, this endeavor will not be as fun for experienced gamers.

This build doesn't look as good in the night sky as some of the other builds due to it using a lot of light colors. That said, it looks amazing with the sun shining on it. This meteor was constructed by YouTuber Pi Master and would look great in any space-related build. Moreover, it's perfect for anyone using space mods.

4) Easy Meteor


This one is a simple and easy-to-make meteor. It is made of wool, so you can be sure that it won't fall apart on you. This build will give you an idea of how to make your own meteor, but if you want something more complicated or advanced than Easy Meteor, you may want to go for a different item on this list.

This YouTube tutorial was made by the creator Escalavator. It is a great build for anyone new to building, and shouldn't take too much time at all to construct.

5) Meteor Impact


This entry is a bit different compared to the other items on this list, as it doesn't feature a meteor but focuses on its impact. This build is additionally unique because the creator made use of WorldEdit to make this hole. It is perfect for those looking to get a better understanding of this editing tool.

This build could be combined with any of the other entries on this list and made to look like a meteor crashed and left a crater. Meteor Impact was built by the incredible YouTuber Apocaliptz.

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