Depth Strider vs Boat: Which is the fastest method to travel through water in Minecraft?

Depth Strider boots vs Boat (Image via Minecraft)
Depth Strider boots vs Boat (Image via Minecraft)

The Depth Strider enchantment and boats are two of the best ways for Minecraft players to travel on or in water. The vast world of the sandbox game is filled with several types of water bodies, be it rivers, small ponds, or huge oceans. While players are exploring the world, they will surely need one of these two to traverse such water bodies to continue their journey. However, technically, one should be better than the other.

The enchantment can be easily applied to any boots with the help of an enchanting table or via an enchanted book, whereas a boat can be easily crafted with just six wood planks and a shovel (for Bedrock Edition). Both are meant to help players travel fast through or above water and have their own pros and cons, but one is faster than the other.

Which is the fastest way to travel through water in Minecraft, Depth Strider or Boat?

Depth Strider


If players want this enchantment, they can craft any kind of boot armor and place it on the enchanting table to find it. Players might even get an enchanted book that can be applied with the anvil. Once players enchant the boots, they can be equipped and tested out underwater.

The Depth Strider enchantment essentially increases the movement speed of a player underwater. Basically, it decreases the friction caused between the player and the water blocks, making them faster while walking or swimming in water. This is why it is a great way to travel fast underwater.

Players can even walk fast underwater (Image via Minecraft)
Players can even walk fast underwater (Image via Minecraft)

One of the best ways to use this feature is to explore all the underwater structures in the game. Minecraft has several structures like underwater ruins and ocean monuments which can be easily explored. Players can also use them to quickly loot shipwrecks and buried treasures before their breath runs out.



Boats are one of the most standard non-mob entities in the game that is frequently used by players, be it novices or experienced. They can be easily crafted and used to simply travel on water. Sometimes, creative players might even use it to trap mobs so that they are unable to move or attack.

Crafting recipe (Image via Minecraft)
Crafting recipe (Image via Minecraft)

Boats are generally slow, but they can speed up if the sprint button is pressed while rowing. These are great tools because players do not lose any hunger points while rowing, making them an efficient mode of transportation. Additionally, they can be broken easily and kept in the inventory when the player reaches land.

Easiest way to travel on water (Image via Minecraft)
Easiest way to travel on water (Image via Minecraft)

Boats are much better for traveling as compared to Depth Strider boots simply because they are much faster and above water where players do not need to worry about their breath. Both these factors play a huge role in favor of the boat. Even if players are able to explore underwater life with the enchantment, the trusty and simple boat has the upper hand.

The only way the enchantment can be faster than a boat is when a player also has Dolphin's Grace effect on them. This will allow them to swim much faster and generally travel faster than boats. However, players might not always have a dolphin nearby to give them the status effect.

This article reflects the personal views of the author.

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