How to download all Minecraft 1.17 Caves & Cliffs pre-releases for Java Edition

The Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Part 1 poster (Image via Mojang)
The Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Part 1 poster (Image via Mojang)

Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Part 1 is approaching its official release, with the much-awaited update set to be released on June 8th, i.e., tomorrow.

On May 28th, Mojang revealed the first pre-release for the Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update. Once the developers are done with Snapshots and adding new content, they will launch the pre-release for the upcoming update.

Pre-releases are all about fixing bugs rather than adding new content to the game. Interested players can download them to check for bug fixes and upcoming features.

Mojang has released five pre-releases for the first part of the Caves & Cliffs update. This article is a guide on how to download pre-releases for the Minecraft 1.17 update.

Download all Minecraft 1.17 Caves & Cliffs pre-releases for Java Edition


Minecraft pre-release versions are available for free to all players already owning a copy of the game. Players can download the update using their Minecraft launcher and can follow these steps to download pre-releases for the 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update:

  1. They can open the Minecraft launcher. Those who don't have it can download it from the official site.
  2. After the launcher opens, users must go to the "Installation" tab near the Play tab.
  3. In the Installation tab, they have to enable snapshots.
  4. Once the Snapshot is enabled, players will be able to download pre-releases.
  5. They should make a new installation and select the pre-release they want to download.

After the pre-release is installed, players can hit the play button to launch the pre-release.

When playing on a Snapshot/pre-release, it is advised to create a new world for testing the features. Since the pre-releases are not an official release, the world data may get corrupted.

Impatient players who want to play their older worlds on new pre-releases should create a world backup if anything goes wrong.

Readers can check out the bug fixes in the latest pre-release 5:

  • MC-225707 - Caves and Cliffs Datapacks Server Error
  • MC-227065 - Cannot Invoke "na.b (String, int)" because "☃ is null
  • MC-227207 - Datafixer doesn't properly update certain scoreboard objectives from 1.16 to 1.17
  • MC-227208 - Breaking bamboo is excessively laggy since the 1.17 pre-releases
  • MC-227232 - Player head SkullOwner tag with username string no longer works

Also read: Minecraft 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update release candidate 1: Patch notes, download link, and more

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