Top 4 Minecraft seeds from Reddit

A stellar seed to start off (Image via u/Sunix_Dx/Reddit)
A stellar seed to start off (Image via u/Sunix_Dx/Reddit)

World seeds determine how the world generates in Minecraft, so each one is completely random. Good seeds often get noted and shared with others, leading them to try out the same world.

This can be because of a great spawn near a village, outpost, or other structures. Other times, it's because the world spawn is excellent for building or just looks good. For whatever reason, the best seeds get shared with the internet, often on social media.

Reddit is a great place to share and collect good seeds, and here are a few examples.

Amazing Reddit Minecraft seeds

4) Seed: 1432606822

Many players try to speedrun Minecraft. That's a lot easier when certain things are right near spawn, so they often look for good seeds.

In this case, the user incidentally discovers a great speedrun seed. It is a village with a stronghold nearby, often the most challenging part of finding.

3) Seed: 600000222763165

This seed is great for gamers who want to visit a lot of biomes. For example, it can be frustrating to need spruce wood and be thousands of blocks away from a taiga biome.

This seed helps alleviate a lot of those issues. Players don't have to travel very far to find several different biomes.

2) Seed: -876593479

Village seeds are usually good (Image via u/Sfs_Capsule1/Reddit)
Village seeds are usually good (Image via u/Sfs_Capsule1/Reddit)

Minecraft villages can sometimes be difficult to find, but not on this seed. They usually have good loot, but it can be frustrating to travel so far looking for one.

That frustration doesn't have to be present in this seed, which is also a good building seed.

1) Seed: 8981820113723791468

This seed is terrific because the Badlands is one of the rarest biomes. Many players don't even find one in their world, so spawning there is excellent.

To top it all off, there's also a Mooshroom Fields biome. That is arguably the most challenging place to find in the game, and it's right there near spawn.

Note: This article reflects the opinion of the writer.

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