There are a lot of effects that players can have activated in Minecraft. There's even an advancement in the game for having all of the status effects triggered simultaneously, called "How Did We Get Here?".
Effects are usually activated when a player consumes a potion in Minecraft. However, there are a few effects that are activated in other ways. Bad omen is one of them, and it can only be applied to players or tamed wolves unless the player uses commands to do so.
Everything to know about the bad omen effect in Minecraft
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How does one get this effect?

The bad omen effect is acquired by the player or a tamed wolf when they kill an illager captain. This only happens if the illager has not spawned during a raid. The illager captain has the same appearance as normal illagers but carries a banner that has a pillager's face design.
Apart from raids, players can come across an illager captain when it is either captaining a pillager outpost or patrolling with a few other illagers. An effect icon will appear on the top right of the player's screen once they have acquired it.
What does the effect do?
A raid is triggered when a player with a bad omen effect enters a chunk with at least one villager and a claimed bed.
Bad omen potency also determines the probability of illagers spawning with enchanted weapons when a raid is triggered. The number of waves in a raid also depends on bad omen's level.
How to get rid of the bad omen effect?

The bad omen effect will automatically be removed after an hour and forty minutes. Manually getting rid of the bad omen effect is a lot easier than what most players expect.
All players need to do is either kill themselves or drink milk from a bucket. A milk bucket can be obtained by milking a cow, goat, or mooshroom using an empty bucket.
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