The EN06 Guardian in Fallout 76 is the first boss you will need to beat during the Guardian quest. However, keep in mind that this enemy is not a joke; it is one of the most challenging foes you'll encounter in the game. It has a sturdy robotic frame, an invulnerability shield, and deadly environmental hazards.
This guide covers everything you will need to know in order to solo the EN06 Guardian in Fallout 76
How to defeat the EN06 Guardian in Fallout 76 solo

The EN06 Guardian in Fallout 76 is a robotic defense system featuring a sentry bot’s upper half affixed to an elevated platform. It possesses an Ultragenetic Shield Generator that renders it invulnerable to direct attacks unless certain conditions are met. Additionally, it features an Electrified Floor Mechanism that instantly kills anyone standing within close proximity of the platform.
Read more: Fallout 76 Ultracite Terror boss guide: Mechanics, tips, and tricks
Best build for the fight
Power armor
To survive this encounter, you’ll need a strong set of power armor. The Overeater’s mod is highly recommended as it significantly reduces incoming damage. Additionally, using the Reflective Legendary Mod (4 Stars) will allow you to reflect some of the damage dealt by EN06.
A Heavy Weapon with Vampire’s mod is essential for this fight. Recommended options include a Gatling Gun (easy ammo availability, no wind-up time) or an Auto Axe with Anti-Armor and Electric Mods for the final damage phase. Additionally, bring a Syringer to reduce the boss’s resistances for 120 seconds before engaging.
Key perks to equip include Slugger Perks (increases damage with two-handed melee weapons), Ricochet (reflects incoming projectile damage back to the boss), and Bullet Shield (provides defensive boosts while firing a heavy weapon).
Other important perks are Tenderizer (amplifies damage after hitting the enemy), Bloody Mess (increases overall damage output), Field Surgeon, and First Aid (improves Stimpak efficiency and healing). For electrified weapons like the Auto Ax, the Science Perks provide a damage boost.

The Marsupial mutation is mandatory for jumping onto the elevated platform. Other beneficial mutations include Carnivore (enhances melee buffs), Scaly Skin (extra armor), Twisted Muscles (increases melee damage), and Speed Demon (faster reloads and movement).
Also read: How to get the Cold Shoulder Unique in Fallout 76 (and why you should use it)
Use Psychobuff to increase damage and survivability. Bring relevant food buffs to enhance melee damage, especially if you're using the Carnivore mutation. A large supply of Stimpaks is also necessary for healing during the fight against the EN06 Guardian.
Combat strategy
Before starting the fight, gear up with your power armor, Vampire’s heavy weapon, and Auto Axe. Use Psychobuff and any relevant food buffs, ensuring your hunger and thirst meters are full for optimal performance. Position yourself near the control panel and locate the railing beside the button for easier platform access.
Combat phase 1
Begin by continuously firing your Vampire’s heavy weapon at the floor. This triggers the Ricochet perk, reflecting damage back at the ENO6 Guardian while keeping you healed. Stay mobile to avoid the boss’ direct attacks. Use the Syringer to debuff the EN06 Guardian, lowering its resistances for 120 seconds.
Reflective power armor pieces amplify this phase’s efficiency. Without them, it will take you a long time to put down the boss.
Combat phase 2
To begin the final phase, use the Marsupial mutation to jump onto the railing near the control panel. From the railing, sprint and jump onto the platform, aiming for the center to avoid being pushed off.
Once on the platform, stand in the middle and activate the Auto Axe. Focus on sustained attacks, utilizing the Anti-Armor and Electric mods for maximum effectiveness. Continue attacking until the EN06 Guardian is defeated.