How to get Marshtomp in Pokemon GO

Marshtomp as seen in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Marshtomp as seen in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Marshtomp, the first evolved form of Mudkip, has been available in Pokemon GO since December 2017. Players should be able to obtain it with relatively minimal effort.

But how does a Pokemon GO trainer get a Marshtomp of their own? Put plainly, players will need to capture enough Mudkip to evolve one into Marshtomp.


Although this Pokemon can appear in the wild, raids, and as a reward for research tasks, its appearance is quite unlikely compared to its previous form. This is especially true since Mudkip recently got some love during the Community Day Classic event for April 2022.

However, Marshtomp is most easily acquired through the process of evolving Mudkip.

Pokemon GO: How to evolve Mudkip into Marshtomp

Mudkip is the Hoenn region's Water-starter and recently obtained a lot of love (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Mudkip is the Hoenn region's Water-starter and recently obtained a lot of love (Image via The Pokemon Company)

In order to evolve a Marshtomp in Pokemon GO, players will need to acquire a Mudkip and 25 Mudkip candies.

Mudkip tends to appear near bodies of water, like many Water-type Pokemon.

As a Starter Pokemon, Mudkip is admittedly not the most common Pokemon to spawn in the wild, but it's capable of spawning nonetheless. If trainers are a little stuck, it may not hurt to use an incense or a lure module to increase spawns nearby or in a Pokestop. Doing so may not guarantee Mudkip's appearance, but it can improve the chances of its appearance.

Catching Mudkip will accrue candies, with three candies being given to the player per catch (six when it has been fed a Pinap Berry). Furthermore, trainers can send excess Mudkip to Professor Willow via the transfer function, which ordinarily rewards one candy.

It shouldn't take particularly long to accrue 25 candies for a Mudkip, though its rarity fluctuates depending on current events.

If there's an ongoing event in Pokemon GO, Mudkip is unlikely to appear unless it's the center of the event's focus.


Once trainers have their Mudkip (preferably one with pretty high IV stats, though this isn't required), they can initiate evolution. They can do this by opening their Pokemon roster, navigating to Mudkip, and selecting the evolve button.

There are no extra strings attached to Mudkip's evolution. Simply evolve and watch as it happens. It'll take 100 more candies to evolve Marshtomp into Swampert, but the evolution is well worth the price.

Swampert is one of the most impressive Pokemon in battle in both Water and Ground-type categories. A trainer with a high-stat, high-CP Swampert can be a force to be reckoned with.

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