In all of the excitement for the Pokemon GO Fest 2024 events, some players may have overlooked the more minor celebrations coming to the game in June. One of these events brings forth the long-awaited shiny form for one of the franchise's many Pikachu alternatives.
Emolga, the Sky Squirrel Pokemon, is a member of a special classification of creatures known as "Pikachu clones," which are electric rodents that share design traits similar to that of Pikachu. Notably, this detail is usually a replication of Pikachu's iconic cheek pouches. With Shiny Emolga set to arrive in Pokemon GO on June 1, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when hunting for one.
Tips for finding Shiny Emolga in Pokemon GO

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Since Shiny Emolga will be available from June 1, players will need to learn some methods to incorporate into their shiny hunting routine if they want to find one. For Emolga, specifically, there are many ways to encounter one during the upcoming Stadium Sights event.
Emolga is a wild encounter, which will make for an easy way to grind encounters for a shiny variant. It can also hatch from eggs and appear from completing certain research tasks that reward players with encounters. Additionally, players can also purchase a special research ticket for around $2, which includes various encounters with Emolga as well as a Super Incubator and 20 Emolga candies.
Using an Incense is a great way to start any shiny hunt. These items attach to the player's avatar and increase the general spawn rate of wild Pokemon around them for as long as they remain mobile. However, this increases the general spawn rate, not Emolga's. Luckily, weather can greatly influence which monsters spawn.

Pokemon GO's weather-boosting mechanic alters the spawn rates of an area based on its current weather conditions. With most of the creatures set to spawn during the Stadium Sights event being Flying-types, players should instead hunt when the weather is rainy. This will increase the likelihood of Electric-type Pokemon spawning.
Lure Modules can also make a great difference when hunting for a specific Shiny Pokemon. These items are incredibly similar to Incenses, attaching to Pokestops and gym locations instead of the player's avatar. They also do not require players to remain mobile for their effects to activate.
When used in conjunction, Incenses and Lure Modules can greatly help a player's odds of finding a Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO within a certain period. Patrolling a route of each lured Pokestop will ensure players receive both benefits from their items, with the odds only being assisted if players opt to hunt during the optimal weather conditions.
However, since Emolga is not receiving a boost to its natural shiny spawning odds, it may still take a substantial amount of time to find one.
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