The Flash star Ezra Miller finally provided us with a first-look teaser for the upcoming DCEU film at DC FanDome. After being in a development nightmare since 2013-2014, the upcoming movie went through a shuffle of directors quicker than the character himself. In November 2019, Warner Bros. finally roped in It director Andy Muschietti to helm the film.
The highly anticipated film's production began in April 2021 and wrapped up principal photography earlier this month. The Flash (2022) has already generated considerable hype by releasing set photos of Sasha Calle's Supergirl, Michael Keaton's Bruce Wayne, and Ben Affleck's Batman.
With The Flash expected to set up the Multiverse with DCEU, the hype around the movie is also based on potential antagonists from alternate (parallel) universes. The most anticipated antagonist for the film is Flash's arch-nemesis Eobard Thawne (aka the Reverse-Flash).
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Easter eggs and fan theories spawned by the first look of 'The Flash (2022)'
Wayne Manor from Tim Burton's 'Batman' (1989)

The clip begins with two Barry Allens reaching the Wayne Manor of Michael Keaton's Bruce Wayne. The gate of the mansion is the same as in Tim Burton's The Batman movie from 1989.
Central City Taxi

The first shot also includes a taxi from Central City. This suggests that in the DCEU, Central City is not that far away from Gotham. Furthermore, the '82' in the number plate could be hinting at The Flash comic issue #82, where the speed force was dead.

Similarly, the '163' in the Taxi identification number could refer to The Flash Vol 1 163 from 1966. In the #163 issue, inventor Ben Haddon creates a device which causes the people of Central City to forget the "Scarlet Speedster".
"Without the belief of the people, Flash begins to fade out of existence."
If the taxi from the clip refers to this, then the Flash changing the events of the timeline in the movie could end up erasing him from existence. This is plausible as the film is based upon the Flashpoint comic series.
Barry Allen's childhood home

There are multiple shots of Barry's parents' house. While in one of them, Barry is seen reaching out to his mother and startling her. In another, a speedster could be seen outside their house.
Although many believe the speedster to be Barry himself, it can be theorized that it is Eobard Thawne disguised as Barry. This is plausible as the new Flash suit is very futuristic, which could be hinting that it belongs to the Reverse-Flash since he is from the future.
What causes Flashpoint?

However, Barry's hand could be seen reaching out to another man's fallen hand during the first look. This could be Ben Affleck's DCEU Bruce Wayne, who might get killed in the main DCEU timeline, causing Barry to run back in time to prevent it from happening. While going back in time, he could decide to save his mother as well, setting off the Flashpoint.
However, the main event that causes Barry to change the past could likely be Eobard Thawne's doing. So, if the previous theory is correct, then it could have been the Reverse-Flash killing Batman/Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck).
Batman's bloody cowl

Another shot in the footage shows a bloody cowl of Batman lying on the floor. While most fans believed it to be DCEU Batman, it is unlikely since the batsuit behind the cowl has the Batman emblem from the 1989 Michael Keaton-starrer. In the film, Keaton's older version of Bruce Wayne could be attacked by the antagonists injuring him.
Is the other Barry Allen Eobard Thawne (Reverse-Flash)?

In the comics, Eobard Thawne once underwent plastic surgery to look like Allen. As mentioned before, this theory is plausible because of his futuristic suit.
Furthermore, out of the two Barrys in the first look, one of them repurposes Keaton's Batman suit into his own Flash costume. The version with the makeshift suit is suspected to be the Barry Allen from the main DCEU timeline.
A flash ring is also shown in the clip, which is also a hint at Eobard Thawne. As Barry in the present timeline is unlikely to possess the technology to compress a Flash suit in the ring.
Weakened Supergirl?

While the trailer did not explain the origin of Sasha Calle's Supergirl in the movie, she was seen lying unconscious in Wayne Manor and was cared for by one of the Barrys.
In the Flashpoint comics, a weakened Kal-El (Superman) was showcased.
Rebooting the DCEU and opening up the multiverse?
In the comics, DC used Flashpoint to revamp and relaunch most of its characters in "The New 52" series. DCEU could be taking the same route to fix its controversial issues and hopefully continue the Zack Snyder's Justice League sequels.
Furthermore, as the CW show Crisis on Infinite Earths had already showcased the DC multiverse, The Flash movie could further explore it to introduce alternate versions of characters (like Robert Pattinson's Batman or Joaquin Phoenix's Joker) in the future.
Apart from two Batman, two Flash, and Supergirl, Grant Gustin's Barry Allen/Flash is also rumored to have a cameo in The Flash (2022).