A PvP-centric brawler with a focus on mechanical depth, Realm Rampage draws inspiration from anime and manga series. With seven distinct characters to choose from, this game features unique movesets to master and combo routes to find. Each character is equally complex, incentivizing practicing with a fighter before taking them into battle.
This guide goes through the basic gameplay mechanics of Realm Rampage to help you get started with its intricate combat system.
Getting started in Realm Rampage

Realm Rampage is an arena fighter where you must compete with other players in a free-for-all battle mode or Ranked arena. Take on an opponent of your choice and battle until one of your HP pools is reduced to zero. Even after being defeated, you will respawn somewhere in the arena to fight another battle. The game imposes very few restrictions as you engage other players in battle.
The focus of this Roblox experience is purely on mechanical complexity, with unique combo strings for each of the seven characters. Combine normal attacks and skills to create devastating combos and take off massive chunks of HP off the opponent’s hit point pool. Once you defeat an opponent, your victory will be registered in your kill count.
Kills are the main currency of the game and can be used to purchase cosmetics for your characters. Currently, only three of the seven playable characters have alternate skins, with the remaining likely to be added in the future.
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- Movement: W, S, A, D
- Basic Attack: Left Mouse Button
- Block: F
- Dash: Q
- Jump: Spacebar
- Use a Skill: Number Keys 1-4
- Ultimate Mode: G
Gameplay features

- Basic Combat: By pressing and holding your left mouse button, you can execute a normal attack string. The number of hits performed with a normal string varies from one character to another, which serves as the baseline for a fighter’s battle kit. Based on these attacks and their speed, you can create unique ways to deal damage and optimize their damage by combining them with Skills.
- Skills: Skills are special moves that can act as combo starters, extenders, or enders, based on the chosen move you perform. These can be melee or ranged, and each character has a healthy balance of both types of skills. Use the corresponding number key at any point in your combo string to execute a special move.
- Ultimate Mode: Fill up the Ultimate Mode gauge by landing combos and transform into an Awakened state. In this state, your damage will be boosted and your moveset will change temporarily. Simultaneously, your Ultimate Mode gauge will continuously deplete, and once it is fully spent, you will return to normal. Usually, the Ultimate Mode is enough to finish off an opponent rather summarily.
- Playable Characters: The game features seven playable characters, with more coming soon. Each character’s moveset directly draws from their anime counterpart, making them true to the source material. Since all fighters have different combat styles, it’s prudent to see which of them suits your taste the best before jumping into the fray.
- Cosmetic Shop: The game counts your kills and allows you to use them as your primary currency. Use your kill count to purchase skins for three of the seven characters. These skins offer no benefit in combat; their effects are purely cosmetic to add visual flair to each fight.
- Ranked Battles: Realm Rampage includes a Ranked mode to compete against other players in duels, team battles, etc. Click the clashing swords icon at the top to access the Ranked lobby and enter one of the designated spaces to enter a queue. Play against a fellow Robloxian and prevail to make your way up the leaderboard.
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How do I create a combo in Realm Rampage?
You can create unique combos for each character by mixing normal attacks with special skills based on move properties.
How many characters does Realm Rampage feature?
The game features seven distinct characters that are fully playable with completed movesets.
How many kills do I need to unlock a skin in Realm Rampage?
You need 350 kills to unlock a skin for the desired character in the game.
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