Best team in Valorant for each map 

Best team comp for every map (Image via Sportskeeda)
Best team comp for every map in Valorant (Image via Sportskeeda)

In the highly competitive world of Valorant, victory often hinges on more than individual skill and aim. The composition of a team and how players synergize can significantly impact their performance on different maps. To achieve that unbeatable edge, teams carefully craft their selections to suit specific maps and exploit their Agent's abilities.

In this article, we will delve into the best team compositions for each map in Valorant, highlighting the Agent synergies and map-specific strategies that can lead your squad to triumph.

Best team comp for each map in Valorant

1) Ascent


Agent composition: Jett + Sova + KAY/O + Omen + Killjoy

Ascent map in Valorant favors a team composition that boasts two Initiators, one Controller, one Sentinel, and one Duelist. The perfect Duelist for Ascent is Jett, as her swift mobility with her dash enables her to both make an entry for her team and take aggressive peeks with the Operator. This helps in securing early advantages and map control.

The Initiators play a crucial role on Ascent, with Sova and KAY/O being the preferred choices. Sova provides valuable information with his Recon Dart and drone. Meanwhile, KAY/O's Zero Point ability can shut down enemy utility, making it easier for your team to execute strategies without any hindrance.

Omen, the versatile Controller, is the most common pick for Ascent due to his flash ability's potential to stop enemy pushes and assist in entry by blinding lanes. His smokes are equally valuable for gaining mid control and denying enemy information on the attacking side.

To complete the composition, Killjoy is the go-to the Sentinel. Her nanoswarm setups can halt enemy pushes effectively, and her ultimate allows for easy retakes on either bomb site.

2) Haven


Agent composition: Jett + Sova + Breach + Omen + Killjoy

Haven's diverse layout calls for a team composition consisting of one Duelist, two Initiators, one Sentinel, and one Controller. Killjoy excels as the Sentinel on Haven, as her turret and Alarmbot placements can cover multiple entry points, allowing her to solo-hold bombsites effectively.

For the Controller role, Omen and Astra are the primary choices. Omen's regenerating smokes deny information and provide cover for aggressive plays, while Astra's gravity well and stars control tight chokepoints, disrupting the enemy's movement and setups.

Jett's mobility makes her an excellent choice for the Duelist role on Haven, as she can take early fights on any extremity and secure an early advantage for her team. Sova and Breach are the preferred Initiators, as their abilities can deny map control and prevent opponents from taking aggressive peeks in Valorant.

3) Bind


Agent composition: Raze + Skye + Killjoy + Viper + Brimstone

On Bind, the ideal team composition comprises one Duelist, one Initiator, one Sentinel, and two Controllers. Raze is the favored Duelist for Bind, as her blast packs help break tripwires and nano swarms, and her grenades clear close corners effectively.

Killjoy's versatility makes her the most suitable Sentinel on Bind, as she can hold down multiple sites with her turret and alarm bot. Her ultimate also provides immense value for retaking sites.

Viper and Brimstone are the primary choices for Controllers. Viper's utility denies information, allowing her team to lurk and take map control effectively. Meanwhile, Brimstone's long-lasting smokes and ultimate provide exceptional post-plant and site-take support.

Skye's ability to gather crucial information and clear close angles make her the go-to Initiator on Bind. Her flashes and Seekers provide invaluable knowledge about enemy positions and site stacks in Valorant.

4) Split


Agent composition: Raze + Skye + Cypher + Astra + Viper

For Split, a well-rounded team composition should consist of one Duelist, one Initiator, one Sentinel, and two Controllers. Raze is a strong choice for the Duelist, given her blast packs' utility for breaking tripwires and nano swarms, and her grenades' effectiveness in stopping enemy pushes in Valorant.

Cypher's ability to gather information makes him a frequently seen Sentinel on Split. He can place tripwires in Ropes and use his camera to monitor either A or B site, aiding the team in stacking mid or bombsite based on the gathered intel.

Skye's flashes, Trailblazer, and Seekers are essential for gathering information and ensuring the team doesn't push into a stacked site. Her abilities also facilitate the solo Duelist's entry onto a site.

As for the Controllers, Astra and Viper are the preferred choices on Split. Astra's gravity well and stars allow her to control tight chokepoints, while Viper's utility denies information and enables her team to take necessary map control in Valorant.

5) Fracture


Agent composition: Raze + Killjoy + Brimstone + Skye + Sova

Fracture demands a team composition consisting of two Initiators, one Controller, one Sentinel, and one Duelist. Raze's paint shells effectively stop attackers from pushing out of A main early in the round, denying map control and forcing the enemy to expend utility for retakes.

Killjoy's turret and alarm bot are essential for holding down multiple sites, making her an excellent Sentinel on Fracture. Her ultimate can be strategically placed in the underpass to clear the entire B bombsite, making retakes challenging for the opposing team.

Brimstone is crucial for his long-lasting smokes, and his ultimate is the only one capable of breaking Killjoy's Lockdown, a potent counter to the latter's ultimate. Skye's flashes, Trailblazer, and Seekers provide critical information to the team, ensuring they don't push into a stacked site or make uninformed decisions in Valorant.

6) Pearl


Agent composition: Jett + Harbor + Viper + Skye + Sage

Pearl calls for a team composition composed of two Controllers, one Initiator, one Sentinel, and one Duelist. Jett's swift mobility and Operator proficiency make her the ideal Duelist for Pearl, and her abilities grant her multiple off-angles for early fights across the map.

Harbor is an excellent choice for controlling long-range lines of sight when pushing B long, preventing enemy AWPers from gaining an advantage.

Viper's wall and orb deny information and apply decay damage, while her snake bites prove invaluable for post-plant situations. Skye's flash, Trailblazer, and Seekers provide information and enable Jett to take forward positions or force enemy Jett players off their angles in Valorant.

In Valorant, team composition is a key factor in determining a team's success on various maps. Understanding the Agent synergies and map-specific strategies can significantly improve a team's chances of victory.

As the meta evolves, it's crucial for teams to adapt their compositions accordingly, utilizing Agents' strengths to the fullest. By crafting well-rounded and strategic team compositions, players can elevate their game and leave their opponents in the dust.

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