WWE RAW 21st December 2015 - 5 Promising developments

Roman Reigns- WWE World heavyweight Champion

Things are finally looking up for ReignsSo, the Slammy Awards episode of Raw aired from Brock Lesnar’s hometown and after news came in that he wrestled Del Rio at a house show and gave an F-5 to Rusev, it wouldn't have been a surprise if Lesnar returned to Raw tonight.The thrill was just seeping in, but the Beast didn’t show up.If, during the beginning of this month or the end of last month you had lost any remaining faith in WWE – it won’t be such a jarring thought to believe but since TLC, there is this certain surge in faith.Roman Reigns finally came of age and in a complete turnover of a moment was embraced by the same arena that booed him off in January. Philadelphia welcomed Roman’s reign as the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. But he did that by Superman punching the Chairman of the Board.There will be consequences.Here are the 5 promising developments from Raw this week-

#1 The People embrace their King

Roman Reigns- WWE World heavyweight Champion

The night began with a very childish segment between Roman Reigns and Stephanie McMahon that had McMahon screaming half the time – first asking Reigns to get out of the ring and then asking him to come right back in.

The one promising part was the reaction from the audience for Reigns. They cheered him throughout, did not want him to leave and laughed when he wanted them to.

It was as if their king had graced them with his valued presence.

#2 Ziggler and Owens

Ziggler vs Owens

After Neville won the Breakout Star of the Year Slammy, Owens decided to interject. After all, he did beat Cena in his first match and won the Intercontinental Championship this year.

He turned his attention to Ziggler and called him a has been which incited a brawl between Owens and Ziggler – who was previously looking quite debonair as a presenter of the award. This led to a really good match later on in the night which Owens won clean. This interaction sure needs an encore.

#3 Heyman in Lesnar\'s hometown

Heyman graces us with his masterful presence.

At least, Paul Heyman returned to Raw in Lesnar’s hometown.

He was there to present the award for ‘OMG Moment of The Year’ and he was ever so convinced that apart from the’ LOL Moment of the year’ and ‘Diva of the year Slammy’, Lesnar should have swept all the other Slammys.

Well, actually Lesnar doesn’t really need a Slammy as he’s beyond that. It’s just a fun awards night which truly doesn’t mean much.

It was great to see Heyman back, though.

#4 Rollins will reclaim his throne

Rollins returned to accept his award

Rollins surprisingly came to accept his Slammy for Superstar of the Year. He stuck to his character and got a little teeny-weeny bit emotional about his injury, but promised to come back and reclaim what he never lost in the first place.

This is particularly interesting because of the history Reigns and Rollins have and the impending return of Rollins. He’ll take some time, for sure. The audience was quite happy to see him – who’ll be ecstatic when he finally returns for good.

#5 Cena returns

Cena-3.jpg (682400)
Cena returns next week on Raw

Guess who’s going to be back next week?

John Cena

And please let him win the US Title back since it just seems useless with Del Rio. Also, not that we missed him deeply, but we did miss him. And with Roman Reigns looking so good in the role Cena has graced for more than 10 years, it’ll be great to see The Cenation leader return and make the mid card look like a big deal.

The US title open challenge returning will be a huge plus.

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