Friendship is a bond that is often considered unbreakable, but what happens when that bond is put to the test? In anime, we often see characters who start off as close friends, only to have their relationship take a turn for the worse. Fallout can occur for a number of causes, including clashing ideas, misunderstandings, or even betrayal, as shown with Naruto and Sasuke and Eren & Armin.
In this article, we'll delve into 10 anime where best friends become enemies, delving into the intricate relationships between characters such as Griffith and Guts, Lelouch & Suzaku, and more
Disclaimer: This article will contain spoilers for all the anime and character fates mentioned therein. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
Bersek and 9 other anime where best friends become enemies
1) Griffith and Guts - Berserk

The relationship between Griffith and Guts in the iconic anime Berserk is a classic example of two characters who were once close friends but ended up becoming bitter rivals due to a tragic betrayal. Griffith and Guts are part of a mercenary group called the Band of the Hawk, they fight countless battles side by side, developing a deep bond and mutual trust between them.
However, things change when Griffith becomes consumed by his dream of creating his own kingdom, and he makes a deal with a demon to achieve that dream. The demon grants Griffith unimaginable power, but in exchange, he must sacrifice his closest companions, including Guts. This betrayal is devastating for Guts, who is left scarred and angry at Griffith for his actions.
From this point on, Guts becomes obsessed with seeking revenge against Griffith, while Griffith becomes consumed by his desire for power and control. The two characters move in opposite directions, with Guts becoming a lone wanderer seeking to overcome his past and find his own path, while Griffith becomes a ruler who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals
2) Kakashi & Obito - Naruto
Obito and Kakashi were previously close friends who participated in the Third Great Ninja War together and studied under the same master. Obito was, however, assumed dead following a terrible occurrence that occurred during a mission. In truth, Madara Uchiha saved him, and after witnessing Kakashi execute Rin after she had been controlled by the Three Tails, Obito became the masked villain known as Tobi, and he and Kakashi became bitter enemies.
Both experienced great suffering as a result of the incident, which eventually fueled their rivalry as they wrestled with their opposing feelings and objectives. The sad nature of Kakashi and Obito's relationship serves as an unsettling reminder of the devastation caused by war and the difficult decisions that sometimes must be made by soldiers and heroes.
3) Lelouch & Suzaku- Code Geass
Lelouch and Suzaku's relationship in the anime series Code Geass is tragic and complicated. They were once childhood friends who were united by a desire to make the world a better place. But when they got involved in the battle between the Holy Britannian Empire and the Japanese resistance, their paths parted ways.
Suzaku enlists in the British military to bring about a change inside the empire, while Lelouch assumes the identity of the masked revolutionary known as Zero and seeks to overturn the empire and build a better world. As they fight on opposing sides of the conflict, the two turn into enemies.
A striking reflection on the human condition and the effects of war and oppression on both individual lives and society as a whole, their connection acts as a miniature image of the larger cultural and political conflicts that characterize the series.
4) Tetsuo & Kaneda - Akira
Together, the two protagonists Tetsuo & Kaneda experience adolescence in Neo-Tokyo, a dystopian society that is full of difficulties. Tetsuo's newfound psychic abilities cause him to grow more unstable and dangerous, which eventually causes him to change into a strong and destructive creature.
Tetsuo and Kaneda were once close friends, but now they are locked in a vicious power battle that might endanger them both. Kaneda recognizes the potential danger in Tetsuo's abilities and tries to stop him.
One of the movie's most enduring and unforgettable elements is Tetsuo and Kaneda's rivalry, which also serves as a potent lesson in the perils of unrestrained power, the value of friendship, and the price of ambition.
5) Akira & Ryo - Devilman Crybaby
They were formerly young friends who grew up in Tokyo in the 20th century. However, they became involved in the conflict between demons and humans when demons attacked the city. Akira was persuaded to become Devilman and battle with Ryo, who was revealed to be Lucifer in human form, in order to defeat the demons. But as the conflict continues, their relationship is strained, and they inevitably turn against one another.
The show investigates the effects this disagreement has on the two friends and sheds light on their drives, goals, and challenges on a personal level. They continue to be linked by history and a common past while having conflicting opinions and behaviors, which makes their rivalry even more complicated and tragic.
6) Gintoki & Takasugi - Gintama
Although Gintama has always been regarded as a humorous anime series, the characters' relationships continue to be among its most alluring and endearing features. Gintgoki and Takasugi's relationship is one such example. They were once comrades in the Joui War, fighting for their ideals and the freedom of their country.
However, after the war, their paths diverged, with Gintoki becoming a lazy samurai for hire and Takasugi becoming a revolutionary seeking to overthrow the government. Takasugi blames Gintoki for abandoning their ideals and becoming complacent, and the two become bitter enemies.
7) Eren & Armin - Attack on Titan
Childhood friends Eren and Armin had aspirations to travel beyond the confines of their own country. The relationship between Eren and Armin came to an end in Attack on Titan's third season. They disagreed on the appropriate course of action as a result of Eren's strong fixation with defeating the Titans and safeguarding his loved ones.
Their conflict reached a boiling point when they engaged in combat with one another in the Battle of Shiganshina. Eren eventually betrayed Armin's confidence and put him in danger because of his hatred and relentless pursuit of revenge, which caused their final rupture. One of the most enduring and intricate stories in the history of anime is theirs because of the tension in this arc.
8) Gojo and Geto - Jujutsu Kaisen

When they were students at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru were best friends. However, as they aged, their ideologies and objectives started to diverge. Geto started to lose hope in the Jujutsu community and started to think that curses were just signs of a corrupt and dysfunctional institution. His ultimate goal is to establish a world where curse and jujutsu-users are the only people who can exist.
Gojo, on the other hand, continued to battle curses and stayed devoted to the Jujutsu society. He thought that saving mankind should come first and that the curses posed a threat that needed to be removed. He resolved to stop Geto because he realized that his tactics endangered the lives of the people. This is why Gojo killed Geto and ended his aspirations but at a high cost to the two of them.
9) Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha - Naruto

Naruto and Sasuke's relationship in the anime Naruto is one of the most durable and memorable rivalries in anime history. Their bond breaks as Sasuke gets increasingly driven by the desire for power and retribution against Itachi. Sasuke's rising anger at Naruto's increasing power and fame finally drives him to betray his town and their relationship.
Their clash serves as the primary plotline in the series, with each character embodying different values and views. Naruto believes in defending his friends and fighting for what is good, but Sasuke is motivated by his desire for power and vengeance. Their divergent trajectories serve as a model for every shonen anime/manga ever produced.
10) Dazai & Ango - Bungo Stray Dogs
In the anime series Bungo Stray Dogs, the complicated relationship between Dazai Osamu and Ango Sakaguchi remains the series' central plot. They were previously friends in the Taisho-era Port Mafia, a criminal organization. They both had a passion for literature as well as a desire to utilize their wits and strategic thinking to cause mayhem and disorder.
Their friendship soured when Ango began cooperating with the government to bring down the organization. He considered that the mafia posed a threat to Japanese peace and stability and that their operations were damaging to the people's well-being. This strained his relationship with Dazai, who remained faithful to his former companions in the organization.