Each character in Naruto plays an important role in the story. Still, if we needed to categorize them with a more concise role, which one would they be sorted into? As anyone who has ever played a role-playing game will know, there are several categories a character can be identified with because of their morals or actions.
One of the most prolific categories a character can belong to is Lawful Neutral, people who believe in a moral code and follow the law, but often have a personal motivation behind these actions.
In contrast, there is Chaotic Evil, individuals who do not believe in any kind of morals and always put their interests first. To better exemplify these concepts, below you will find a list of five Lawful Neutral Naruto characters and five who fit Chaotic Evil perfectly.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author’s opinion and will contain spoilers.
1) Lawful Neutral: Sakura Haruno

Sakura is a great and loyal Kunoichi who always follows the law of her village, following orders obediently. Nonetheless, she can also act based on her own needs and wants, like all the times she puts pleasing Sasuke over her missions.
For Sakura, Sasuke was more important than any kind of law, going as far as to ask the Uchiha to let her join him when he was planning to deflect from Konoha. As righteous as Sakura can be, love will always be more important to her, giving her the perfect profile for a Lawful Neutral character.
2) Chaotic Evil: Orochimaru

For Orochimaru, laws and morality are nothing more than inconveniences that do not allow him to complete his experiments. The snake Sanin does not care even a little bit about what others may consider cruel or inhumane, he just wants to obtain power.
Orochimaru plays by his own rules, believing himself to be the ultimate authority in the world and acting accordingly. Not even the laws of nature themselves are safe from Orochimaru’s disregard for authority, which makes him a prime example of a Chaotic Evil person.
3) Lawful Neutral: Sai
For most of his life, Sai was a loyal member of Danzo’s ROOT, meaning he already had a set of beliefs that conflicted with that of Konoha. Moreover, he would later also leave behind the lessons imparted by Danzo to become his own person.
After being freed from ROOT, Sai started to use his own reasoning to act, no matter what kind of situation he was in. He was already used to disregarding the law to achieve Danzo’s goals, but now he is doing it for himself, like a true Lawful Neutral.
4) Chaotic Evil: Kabuto

It should not be a surprise to see Kabuto on this list, given that the person who molded him is also an entry. Kabuto is probably the only person in Naruto worse than Orochimaru when it comes to following morality. For Kabuto, nothing is sacred as long as he can continue with his research.
Even his own teacher was not safe from being used in one of Kabuto’s experiments, which speaks volumes of how little he cared for any kind of authoritative figure. If Kabuto wanted to achieve something, he would get it, no matter what he had to do to obtain it, proving how well he learned the traits of a Chaotic Evil character from Orochimaru.
5) Lawful Neutral: Kimimaro

Kimimaro had only one concern in life, making Orochimaru happy and acting like his loyal guardian. As long as these goals were fulfilled, Kimimaro had no issues committing any kind of atrocity, although he never did this because he enjoyed it.
For Kimimaro, Orochimaru was more important than any semblance of ethics or righteousness. He would go as far as to compromise his own health to make the person he admired happy. Like a true Lawful Neutral, Kimimaro followed orders, but mostly because of some personal bias.
6) Chaotic Evil: Hidan

Hidan is one of the most chaotic Naruto characters in existence, considering his only purpose in life was to obtain money and sacrifice people to his god. Hidan does not know the meaning of the word decency, and he is proud of this fact.
As long as he was getting paid and had the potential to spill blood in the name of his deity, Hidan was happy with any kind of job. For Hidan, enjoying life at his leisure was the only thing that mattered, a belief he carried to the grave with him.
7) Lawful Neutral: Itachi Uchiha

Itachi could have been a family man, but he was also a loyal Shinobi of Konoha. Because of this, his own personal interests would often blend in with his idea of morality. He was not a blind follower of the rules, but he did believe the law should be followed when possible.
There is no better example of his alignment as a Lawful Neutral character than his approach to the Uchiha insurrection. Believing it was better to let his family perish than to see innocent people die, even when he knew this was not moral, Itachi wiped out his clan, only leaving his brother behind.
8) Chaotic Evil: Deidara
Art is often one of the most chaotic ways for a person to express themselves. No wonder Deidara fits the mold of Chaotic Evil so well. Deidara had only one thing in mind at any given moment: The beauty of explosions.
Without any regard for who could get hurt by his artistic expression, Deidara would go around sharing his art with the world. There was no morality or law behind what he was doing, he just wanted to enjoy himself and explode things.
9) Lawful Neutral: Homura and Koharu

It could be argued that unlike Danzo, the other two village elders, Homura and Koharu, were trying to better the village, even if they did have a secret agenda behind their actions. Because of this, they would often agree with Danzo over the ruling Hokage.
They wanted Konoha to be stronger than all the other nations, in order to be prepared no matter what would attack the village. Nonetheless, they were also influenced by the idea of staying in power, so their actions were biased more often than not.
10) Chaotic Evil: Gaara (Chunin Exams)
Before meeting Naruto and leaving behind his murderous ways, Gaara was one of the most deranged characters in the show. Because of Shukaku’s influence, Gaara believed that the only way to prove he deserved to exist was by killing and maiming people.
Gaara would do as he pleased, not caring at all what any authority would say about his actions. He needed blood to satiate his desires and was willing to go to any lengths to obtain it. If not for Naruto, Gaara would still be a bloodthirsty Chaotic Evil character.