The Seven Deadly Sins anime has captured a lot of attention all around the globe since its release in 2014. It is considered one of Tomokazu Tokoro's finest works, which became one of the most popular animes in the Netflix library.
Being in the adventure fantasy genre, it has done a wonderful job so far, with season 5 bringing the series to a conclusion. The anime is about how princess Elizabeth Liones struggles through everything to gather a team to regain the kingdom that once belonged to her.
The most efficient characters enlisted in the show are highly skilled in battle and have exclusive powers, namely infinity, disaster, snatch, and many more. Apart from that, there are certain sins they have committed.
The Seven Deadly Sins: Escanor's sin of pride and other characters' sins explained
1. Meliodas

Pulling the gate like a teenager and still being 3000 years old, Meliodas is the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins. He is shown to be courageous, frank, and a strong proponent of justice. Later in the show, he was revealed to be the son of the Demon King and the original leader of the Ten Commandments, carrying a piece of his father's soul that exemplifies love.
Meliodas is seen with a dragon mark on his left shoulder, which symbolizes the Sin of Wrath. He resorts to his sin whenever his loved ones or someone he admires is in danger.
2. Ban

Ban, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, is extremely powerful with his unique ability, Snatch. His speed and abilities allow him to pull off any opponent's organs. However, he loves to take out hearts. He is immortal, which is said to be his strongest asset.
Ban bears the Sin of Greed and carries a fox sign on the left side of his torso, a little above his waist. He also has the Holy Rod Courechouse, which he acquired as his Sacred Treasure later in the series.
3. King

Fairy King Harlequin is Diane's spouse, the defender of the Fairy King's Forest and Fairy Kingdom. He is one of the members of the Seven Deadly Sins, despite being an emotional person and being proven to be somewhat sluggish. Only a few individuals have witnessed King's compassionate side.
He has the sin of sloth because he is lethargic. King has a grizzly sign on his left leg just above his ankle, and his Sacred Treasure is known as Spirit Spear Chastiefol.
4. Escanor

Escanor is considered the most powerful of the Seven Deadly Sins. He is the strongest during the day and becomes fragile at night. His behavior, just like his strength, varies between day and night. He is arrogant and boisterous during the day but turns much more polite and gentle at night.
Escanor embodies Lion's sin of pride, and he bears a lion's head symbol on his back. His Sacred Treasure is the Divine Axe Rhitta.
5. Diane

Diane is married to Fairy King Harlequin. She is gorgeous, even though she is a giant from the Giant Clan. Her dominant characteristics are jealousy and envy. She adores Meliodas and envies every woman in his vicinity, although she admits to having affection for King.
Diane has the Sin of Envy with the Serpent symbol on her left outer thigh. The War Hammer Gideon is her Sacred Treasure, and her intrinsic power happens to be Creation.
6. Merlin

Merlin is the greatest magician in Britannia. She was the one who knocked Meliodas unconscious and took his abilities with her power. She enjoys teasing and making fun of others, although she is a calm woman who nearly never loses her cool.
Merlin has the sin of gluttony, which is tattooed on the left side of her neck. Her Sacred Treasure is the Morning Star Aldan, a floating orb she can call at a whim and frequently employs in conjunction with her spell. Her natural strength is Infinity.
7. Gowther

Gowther was a doll created by a magician and is the final member of this list of the Seven Deadly Sins. He constantly maintains a blank expression and appears to be bothered by nothing. Despite his cold and impersonal attitude, he cares about some people.
Gowther possesses the sin of Lust and is represented by the goat. His Sacred Treasure is the Twin Bow Herritt, which he wields in conjunction with his inherent strength, Invasion.