One Piece chapter 1137 spoilers were expected to continue alternating focus between both the Romance Dawn Trio, and the apparent Holy Knights who were meeting with Loki. Leaked via reputable sources on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, the installment did indeed primarily focus on these two groups, but not fully as fans anticipated.
What was expected of the One Piece chapter 1137 spoilers that did actually occur was the reveal of “Shanks’” true name, confirmed to be Figarland Shamrock. What was unexpected was that the Romance Dawn Trio’s focus would reveal key info on the Giant race and King Harald, offering additional context to current events, and what may come.
One Piece chapter 1137 spoilers reveal key backstory about Elbaph Arc’s biggest players so far
One Piece chapter 1137 spoilers begin with the issue’s title, which is allegedly “Shamrock Appears.” The spoilers then address the issue’s cover story, continuing Yamato’s pilgrimage across Wano and seeing her group enter Holdem’s base, being confronted by Who’s Who’s soldiers inside. The spoilers then start the issue’s story content, seeing the Romance Dawn Trio and Road actually enter Aurust Castle.
Road is shocked to see the door damaged and the guards gone due to the castle not having been used since King Harald’s death. Zoro notices that the front door was broken from the inside as they enter, finding a destroyed courtyard. Road says this is the result of Loki fighting his way through the castle to kill King Harald. Road explains that King Harald had a reputation of strength similar to that of Loki, hence the castle being all but destroyed.
One Piece chapter 1137 then sees the group notice several Giant skeletons on the floor, prompting Road to explain that over 100 warriors were slain by Loki that day. He adds that Jarul and Loki were the only two survivors, as Loki asks why one skull has horns. Road explains that some Giants inherit the blood of the “Ancient Giant Tribe,” of which there are no longer any pure-blood members.

This leads to them finding a portrait of King Harald, showing him to be a bald and fierce Giant with a large black mustache and beard. He also had two huge scars on his head, and a line tattoo on his face which is said to be just like Ripley’s. Road adds that the marks on his head are what remains after he pulled out his own horns, confirming him a partial member of the Ancient Giant Tribe.
One Piece chapter 1137 spoilers then see Road explain that Hajrudin is Loki’s half brother, born of Harald and another Giant woman not from Elbaph. However, Hajrudin’s mom couldn’t become the Queen of Elbaph since she was a Giant from another country, and likewise looked down upon. It’s also confirmed that there are many in Elbaph who want to keep the bloodline of Elbaph Giants specifically pure.
Zoro then asks Road why he follows a half-blood like Hajrudin, prompting a flashback to his childhood where he was bullied. However, Hajrudin was impressed with his map drawing and asked him to be friends. Road adds that Hajrudin has withstood all the prejudice he’s faced as a half-blood, and that he dreams of becoming the king of all Giants in the world, uniting all the world’s Giant tribes. As he says this, Luffy notices and points out the guards lying on the floor.
One Piece chapter 1137 spoilers then shift focus to the Underworld, where Loki is bloody and bruised from being attacked by Gunko’s Devil Fruit powers. As she uses her powers to create boots made of arrows and approach Loki’s face, she ridicules him for his arrogance and refusing their offer. She then creates arrows coming out of her feet which mark the trajectory of Gunko’s upcoming attacks, which Loki realizes.
He guesses what she’ll do likewise, but she says there’s still a chance to stop it if he accepts their offer to join the Holy Knights. Loki rejects this once more, prompting Gunko to start walking on the arrow paths she made. She then hits him as he predicted, kicking him in the face before delivering a powerful uppercut. She uses her arrows to create massive boots and gauntlets which are large enough to damage Loki with.
One Piece chapter 1137 spoilers see Loki fall unconscious as a result of the attacks, showing his other animal friends defeated by Gunko as well. Focus then shifts to “Shanks,” who finally removes his cloak and reveals his true appearance. He’s officially introduced as Figarland Shamrock, the son of Figarland Garling and the current leader of the Holy Knights. He tells Gunko to contact Mariejois while cursing how useless everyone is.

Gunko agrees while asking if Loki’s refusal has something to do with Giants’ faith. Gunko is then formally reintroduced as a member of the Holy Knights, which also confirms her to have the Aro Aro no Mi, which will presumably be localized as the Arrow-Arrow Fruit. The chapter ends with Shamrock staring at an unconscious Loki while swearing that the World Government will soon control the Giants who once conquered the New World.
As mentioned above, One Piece chapter 1137 spoilers also specify Shamrocks’ full appearance. He looks exactly like Shanks, but without the scar on his face, and obviously still having two arms. One major difference is that Shamrock has long hair which features a braid to hold it back. Spoilers say he’s wearing a classic military uniform like that of British or French soldiers of the 17th century, and also has a sword on his waist.
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