The Straw Hat crew getting attacked in chapter 1077 might be the best for One Piece's Egghead Island Arc

The Straw Hat crew getting attacked in Chapter 1077 might be the best for One Piece
The Straw Hat crew getting attacked in Chapter 1077 might be the best for One Piece's Egghead Island arc (Image via Toei Animation)

The unofficial release of the latest One Piece issue all but officially confirmed that the Straw Hats are indeed being specifically targeted by the Seraphim. Fans watched in horror as Usopp and Franky were turned to stone by S-Snake Seraphim, while Sanji and Nami came under fire from S-Shark variant.

While One Piece fans are concerned with this latest turn of events, there’s actually more reason to celebrate these occurrences than there is to take issue with them. In fact, this latest turn of events could be one of the best for the current and future status of the Egghead Island Arc thus far.

One Piece’s Egghead Arc set to become war of epic proportions as Straw Hats forced to delay departure even further

Brief chapter recap


One Piece chapter 1077 begins with Sentomaru explaining to Egghead Island’s residents that they need to depart because of a potential incident on the level of the Oharan genocide. The issue then shows Luffy and Lucci continuing to fight the Seraphim together, but with little success. Zoro then realizes that the Seraphim have Lunarian characteristics, and explains to the others when to attack them based on their flames.

The issue then shifts perspectives once more, showing Nami squaring off against S-Shark. Brook and Vegapunk Edison are shown down for the count, but Sanji thankfully arrives in time before Nami is hurt by a counter-attack. The issue then shifts perspectives once more to Usopp’s group, where fans see him, Franky, and Vegapunk Lilith all turn to stone.

Intriguingly, Vegapunk Pythagoras isn’t shown in the scene despite still being with the group. The issue then shifts perspectives to Vegapunk Shaka, who has gone off on his own to find out where Dr. Vegapunk is being held. However, as he’s about to free Dr. Vegapunk, an unknown individual shoots and seemingly kills Shaka as One Piece chapter 1077 comes to an end.

Why the attacks might be the best thing for Egghead, explained

As of this article’s writing, the chief goal of the Straw Hat pirates is to leave Egghead Island with all of their crew members and the seven Vegapunks in tow. While there are various other goals to accomplish, this is the single most important objective for the Straw Hats to achieve in One Piece’s Egghead Island Arc.

Likewise, nearly every recent development in the series has pushed this objective further and further back in some way. What began with Jewelry Bonney and Dr. Vegapunk running off somewhere together has since devolved into the Straw Hat crew and the other Vegapunks splitting up and being picked off one by one.

While this is obviously an unfortunate development for One Piece’s protagonistic pirate crew, it’s actually a good thing for the series overall. This is especially true considering the various events in the series’ world, both directly relative to the Egghead Island situation and those in other, faraway seas.

For example, Egghead Island currently has Admiral Kizaru, over 100 warships, and Gorosei member Saint Jaygarcia Saturn heading to it. While the Straw Hats would obviously prefer to leave the island before this group’s arrival, finding a way to keep them there would result in a truly epic battle taking place to close out the arc. It may also lead to additional information about Dr. Vegapunk, Saint Saturn, the Gorosei, or the Void Century being revealed.

Even outside the context of Egghead Island, delaying the Straw Hats’ departure is a good thing. This will allow world events such as Eustass Kid versus Shanks, Trafalgar D. Water Law versus Blackbeard, and Monkey D. Garp’s rescuing of Coby from Blackbeard to fully play out. The results of these events may alter what the Straw Hats’ next move is, possibly even setting up a Shanks and Luffy reunion.

There’s also the fact that Princess Vivi Nefertari of Alabasta, who is seemingly nearby Egghead Island, may be able to reunite with the Straw Hats if their departure is delayed. This would be an incredibly exciting development which One Piece fans would be universally happy about. However, for this to happen, the Straw Hats must stay on Egghead long enough for her to find a way there.

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