5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to duo with D.Va

Overwatch 2 - D.Va (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Overwatch 2 - D.Va (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Overwatch 2 is a 5v5 hero shooter with a plethora of characters for players to select from. Each hero is useful in their own way, but some team combinations just don't fit perfectly. In a shooting game, team play is very essential. This means synergizing with your team is important to emerge triumphant.

However, there will be moments when other players prioritize using their favorite hero instead of forming powerful combos with the team. You might want to be prepared in case the situation calls for you to adjust to your squad. It may not be something you want to do, but at least you're doing it to help the team achieve victory.

This article lists heroes that can form great duos with the mech pilot, D.Va.

Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer

Overwatch 2 guide: Ana and 4 other heroes to pair with D.Va


D.Va is among the most popular heroes in Overwatch 2, and players can't be blamed for picking her often. She is one of the easiest tank heroes to use, given how her weapon has infinite ammo. Her kit is also easy enough to understand. Plus, there's the fact that she is a tank, making it fairly easier for beginners to practice playing the game.

With that in mind, you will likely run into a lot of D.Va mains in Overwatch 2, especially if you're solo queueing. But which heroes are good combos for the mech pilot?

1) Mei

Mei (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Mei (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Mei is one of the least popular damage heroes in Overwatch 2, given how her kit specializes more in supporting her team. However, some of you forget the fact that her abilities can prove useful in team fight situations. Her Ice Wall and Blizzard are two of the best skills to use when engaging in battle. Ice Wall basically traps enemies, while the ultimate Blizzard freezes everyone.

D.Va's ultimate ability, Self-Destruct, is a one-hit delete explosive skill that enemies can only avoid if they move far away. Combining Self-Destruct with Mei's Blizzard is the best way to secure eliminations.

Mei's Ice Wall can also be an alternative way to trap enemies in a corner. D.Va can just throw her mech suit inside the trap.

2) Ana

Ana (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Ana (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Ana is one of the most lethal support heroes in Overwatch 2. Her Biotic Rifle can heal her allies from long distances while also having the ability to deal damage to her enemies from afar.

However, the ability that's truly a perfect match for D.Va is Ana's Nano Boost. The ultimate ability increases an ally's damage while reducing the damage taken.

Considering how D.Va's Fusion Canons have infinite ammo, they don't deal heavy damage to her foes. However, if Ana uses her Nano boost on the mech pilot, D.Va will become a more formidable tank for a short period of time. Her Fusion Canons will deal more damage while making her an even tankier frontliner.

3) Pharah

Pharah (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Pharah (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Pharah is one of the trickiest heroes to use or go up against in Overwatch 2. Taking her on is like battling a bird since she tends to fight from the skies.

However, Pharah is a reliable ally, especially when synergizing with D.Va. One of the abilities in her kit is Concussive Blast, which knocks back enemies via an explosive blast. Timing will be key when using Concussive Blast to combo with D.Va's Self-Destruct.

As we mentioned a while ago, enemies have a few seconds to run away from D.Va's explosive mech suit. This is where Pharah's knock-back skill comes into play. As their foes try to escape their inevitable death, you can use Concussive Blast to send them back within the radius of the mech suit's explosion.

4) Sombra

Sombra (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Sombra (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Sombra is easily the sneakiest hero in Overwatch 2. She can become invisible while disabling her foes' abilities from the shadows.

With that in mind, Sombra is a great initiator in team fights. Her ultimate ability, EMP, deals damage to enemies within the radius while disabling their abilities in the process.

Disabling the enemy team's abilities means they have no chance of making an easy escape. This makes it the perfect opportunity for D.Va to drop her self-destructing mech suit.

5) Symmetra

Symmetra (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Symmetra (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Symmetra is a trap specialist in Overwatch 2, thanks to her Sentry Turrets. However, her most useful ability for team play is the Teleporter.

Symmetra can set up two teleporters that allow her team to travel from point A to point B. However, did you know that she's also capable of sending D.Va's explosive mech suit toward the enemy team?

We're pretty sure that OG Overwatch players are aware of this combo and have abused it on many occasions already. Luckily, Blizzard Entertainment kept this combo, and it is still useable in Overwatch 2.

It's essential to have a tank like D.Va in your squad. She can help eliminate enemies while tanking the frontlines almost endlessly. Providing the mech pilot with loads of support will make her an even bigger threat. You can try out these five heroes and see if they're a great combo with D.Va.

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