5 Destiny 2 Exotics that changed the Titan meta (and 5 that are useless even today)

Titan Exotics in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Titan Exotics in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Titans are the backbone of any Destiny 2 fireteam, as they can keep anyone from wiping out in challenging situations. They can withstand more incoming damage than other classes simply due to the abilities Titans can come up with. This tank-based class can do everything from casting barricades between them and opponents to applying overshield to allies.

Typically, each of their abilities can be further boosted using specific Exotic gear. The following article lists all the best and worst gears for the Titan class in Destiny 2.

Disclaimer: This article is subjective and relies solely on the writer's opinion.

Five best Exotic armor for Titans in Destiny 2 (2022)

1) Synthoceps

Synthoceps gauntlets (Image via Bungie)
Synthoceps gauntlets (Image via Bungie)

Titans can hit harder in terms of melee, better than any other class in Destiny 2. Aside from Hunters, who can shut down other Guardians with a precision knife hit, Titans can amplify their melee abilities with the help of Exotic gears. Synthoceps allows a player to lunge more and grants damage while surrounded, making it significantly deadlier in PvP.

The best part about Synthoceps is that it can synergize with every element, Arc, Solar, or Void.

2) Hallowfire Heart

Hallowfire Heart (Image via Destiny 2)
Hallowfire Heart (Image via Destiny 2)

The Hallowfire Heart has been carrying Solar Titans since day 1 of Destiny 2. This particular Exotic can regenerate Solar ability significantly faster, which further improves while the wearer's super ability is charged. With the upcoming rework, there is a high chance that Hallowfire Heart will become super viable in the upcoming season.

3) Phoenix Cradle

Phoenix Cradle (Image via Bungie)
Phoenix Cradle (Image via Bungie)

The Phoenix Cradle is yet another Exotic that can become viable after the release of Solar 3.0. It grants Titans a longer Sun Warrior buff for twice as long. All allies passing through Sunspots will be presented, Sun Warrior.

Seeing how Solar 3.0 might consist of several healing Aspects, Titans can also become a powerhouse for healing their entire fireteam.

4) Cuirass of the Falling Star

Cuirass of the Falling Star (Image via Destiny 2)
Cuirass of the Falling Star (Image via Destiny 2)

Cuirass of the Falling Star has been one of the primary armor for DPS Titans in any activity. Be it solo Lost Sectors, raid bosses, or Grandmaster Nightfall, Cuirass Exotic chest piece increases the damage of the Thundercrash super ability by 100%.

The Cuirass meta was once so strong that players forgot about Hunter's Celestial Nighthawk for a short period. This was also because the latter Exotic required the wearer to land a precision shot, while Cuirass asked players to land on an enemy.

5) Heart of Inmost Light

Heart of Inmost Light Exotic chest piece (Image via Bungie)
Heart of Inmost Light Exotic chest piece (Image via Bungie)

Yet another Exotic that can regenerate abilities, Heart of Inmost Light, has gained more popularity ever since Void 3.0. Players used the Bastion Aspect, which granted them overshield and gained increased regeneration. This also empowers Grenade and Melee while increasing damage output from these sources.

Players can get instant Grenade and melee abilities back with the right build.

5 Titan Exotics that are useless in Destiny 2 (2022)

1) Ursa Furiosa

Ursa Furiosa (Image via Destiny 2)
Ursa Furiosa (Image via Destiny 2)

There was a time when Ursa Furiosa ruled in PvP. However, the nerf of super balancing between PvP and PvE instantly power crept with other Exotics in the game. Ursa Furiosa is good for guarding incoming damage and regenerating super, roughly about 25%.

It doesn't bring a lot to the table compared to other ability-regenerating Exotics.

2) Khepri's Horn

Khepri's Horn Exotic headgear (Image via Bungie)
Khepri's Horn Exotic headgear (Image via Bungie)

While Khepri's Horn might seem like a good choice for Solar 3.0, it doesn't apply any protection to the user or their allies. While some things might be added to the rework, the Exotic is useless in high-tier activities, as it simply doesn't dish out enough ability damage to the combatants.

Barricades unleash a burst of Solar energy, which is fine, but the minimal damage comes without any buffs.

3) Eternal Warrior

Eternal Warrior Exotic helmet (Image via Destiny 2)
Eternal Warrior Exotic helmet (Image via Destiny 2)

With many new perks and weapons out in the meta, players can quickly shut down roaming inside PvP. The Eternal Warrior Exotic was made to make sure that didn't happen, but the only thing it can manage to do is apply a shield to the user while activating Fists of Havoc.

Any opposing Guardian might need one or two extra shots to completely shut down a Fist of Havoc Titan, especially with something like a Dead Man's Tale paired with Vorpal.

4) MK. 44 Stand Asides

MK. 44 Stand Asides (Image via Bungie)
MK. 44 Stand Asides (Image via Bungie)

With ML. 44 Stand Asides equipped, sprinting with Seismic, Hammer, and Void strikes grants an overshield to the user with total health. While this might have sounded useful a year back, most of Titan's melee abilities can't one-shot opponents, making this particular armor useless in PvP.

While the secondary perk, which regenerates a portion of the melee ability on hit, might be helpful in PvE, other Exotics can do the job far better.

5) Icefall Mantle

Icefall Mantle (Image via Bungie)
Icefall Mantle (Image via Bungie)

Players wanted the Icefall Mantle to work more as the Bastion Aspect did for the Titans in Void 3.0. It replaces the user's barricade with a personal overshield, which can also slow combatants. The user is stalled in the process while shielded, and the barricade ability doesn't recharge.

After Stasis Exotics such as Hoarfrost and Solar Exotics like Loreley, Icefall Mantle doesn't seem that viable to use in high-tier PvE or PvP.

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