Top 5 plays at League of Legends Mid Season Invitational (MSI) 2022 group stages

The best plays by League of Legends players at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)
The best plays by League of Legends players at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)

The League of Legends Mid Season Invitational (MSI) 2022 group stages were filled with outstanding players. These pros made exceptional plays that not only stunned the audience but enhanced the overall hype around the tournament.

While many might argue that some opponents these users faced were very weak, there is no denying that making a play still needs skill. It takes quick thinking at a moment's notice and high reaction speed to dodge skill shots, using the surrounding terrain optimally, and also a calm and composed mind to use the champion at its fullest.

Thus, this article honors those five plays that garnered the most praise from fans during the group stages of the League of Legends MSI 2022.

Every play during group stages of League of Legends MSI 2022 that created the most hype

5) T1 Keria Bard against DetonatioN FocusMe


This play on Bard was arguably one of the best by Keria at the League of Legends MSI 2022. DetonatioN FocusMe initially started it near their base on the blue side.

At this point, Keria was standing in the middle of the mid and top lanes while DetonatioN FocusMe engaged Zeus in the former. Keria, at this very moment, used Bard's teleport to position himself first and then used his ultimate to send everyone who engaged Zeus into stasis.

Now, this gave time for the rest of T1 to regroup. As soon as the stasis was over, Keria immediately stunned Wukong and Rakan from DetonatioN FocusMe. This forced Rakan to run behind, leaving Wukong alone to his death.

However, the play did not end here, as Keria then flashed forward and landed his stun on both the enemy Aphelios and Syndra to finish them off.

Overall, that one ultimate by Keria disrupted everything for DetonatioN FocusMe, and those multiple stuns ensured none escaped, allowing T1 to close the match.

4) T1 Oner Wukong escape against Saigon Buffalo


This play by T1's Oner was not as big, but it was a show of game knowledge that allowed him to escape from a very dicey situation during the League of Legends MSI 2022 match against Saigon Buffalo.

The play initially started after a fight on the toplane, where Saigon Buffalo's midlaner Froggy (Twisted Fate) and Oner (Wukong) were the only ones alive. However, Froggy was almost at full health, but Oner had only 10% health with no mana.

Initially, Froggy used his yellow card to stun Oner in the middle section of the toplane (near the stone area). However, there was also a ward placed there, so Froggy should ideally have full vision.

The problem was that Oner turned on his sweeper. As a result, the ward stopped giving Froggy vision. As a result, the latter turned around instead of following Oner, thinking that the latter would try to run away through the bushes.

Instead, Oner was the one who took that opportunity and traced the same path from which he came, used his last bit of mana to go invisible, and ran away. He should have been dead here, but that one sweeper changed the game entirely, creating the scope to escape with such low health left.

3) RNG Gala pentakill on Kai'Sa against Red Canids


Gala currently has two pentakills at the League of Legends MSI 2022. However, with the ping controversy, his pentakill on Lucian got discarded, so he decided to do it again with Kai'Sa against Red Canids itself.

The fight initially started near the dragon pit, where Gala threw his W to mark the enemy. RNG engaged in the battle, and Gala used his Q and auto attacks to get the first kill.

However, he immediately used his ultimate and jumped inside the dragon pit to get a better angle and the double kill. He dodged the Nautilus hook and then engaged the third and fourth enemies to secure the quadra (of course, he got help from Wei's Lee Sin, who made sure Gala was untouched).

Finally, the last enemy was just a formality as Gala simply used his auto attacks to grab the easy penta. Even though he did get help from the rest of his League of Legends team, getting a pentakill requires positioning.

Red Canids made multiple efforts to jump onto Gala during the fight, but his consistent DPS while dodging all enemy skill shots made the pentakill even smoother.

2) G2 Caps Sylas against Evil Geniuses


This was arguably one of the best showcases of individual skill in all of the League of Legends MSI 2022 group stages. The fight initially started in the botlane, where G2's Caps (Sylas) was being pinched by Evil Geniuses' Inspired (Lillia), Vulcan (Leona), and Impact (Gangplank).

When the fight initially started, Sylas was almost dead, as he had only one HP when he used the stopwatch. As a result, both Vulcan and Inspired left the scene to allow Impact to get the kill.

However, as soon as the stopwatch was over, Caps immediately used Sylas's combo on Gangplank, healed up, and dealt enough damage to get the kill. Immediately after getting the kill, he jumped inside the bush to hide.

By this point, both Vulcan and Inspired had to turn back. So the former used Leona's ultimate inside the bush, but Caps dodged it using Sylas's E and almost killed off Leona here.

Unfortunately, Inspired also appeared and used Ignite, which was too much to dodge. However, the initial play on Gangplank was picture-perfect.

1) G2 Caps Yasuo against Evil Geniuses


The last and final play at the League of Legends MSI 2022 that has probably been the most hyped is by G2 Esports's Caps once again, but this time on Yasuo.

The fight started as Caps (Yasuo) went aggressive on jojopyun (Twisted Fate) in the midlane. However, the battle did not stay 1v1 for long, as soon, Vulcan joined on his Tahm Kench.

At this point, the fight looked over, but as Vulcan engaged, and as jojopyun was trying to run, Caps flashed in and finished off Twisted Fate. But, at this point, he had barely 10% health left and was getting pinched by both Vulcan and Inspired (Viego).

Caps knew he had to run, so he used his E to dash through the minion wave towards his jungle. However, he was still being chased. Caps reached very close to the jungle raptors and again used his E to dash into them and escape.

The play was insane as it showed the massive mastery of Caps on his Yasuo, and it created a lot of space for the rest of his team across the map.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

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