5 tips for Free Fire MAX players to use gloo walls properly (April 2022)

Learn how to use gloo walls properly in Free Fire MAX by following these simple tips (Image via Sportskeeda)
Learn how to use gloo walls properly in Free Fire MAX by following these simple tips (Image via Sportskeeda)

Gloo walls are by far the most valuable utility item in Free Fire MAX. These can be obtained easily and come in handy in numerous combat situations. In fact, this utility item is so amazing that several characters even have abilities that are directly associated with gloo walls.

However, mastering the use of gloo walls in the game is no easy task. Depending on the situation and the player's circumstances, using a gloo wall may or may not be beneficial. Such being the case, users should know when and how a gloo wall can be used during a match.


Attaining mastery over gloo walls is a game-changer in Free Fire MAX

5) Safely rush opponents


In most Free Fire MAX matches, players must rush opponents to either push them out of position or eliminate them. While approaching the enemy, hard cover provides good protection from incoming fire. However, in certain regions of the map, there is no natural cover to be found. This is where gloo walls come in to save the day.

While rushing towards the enemy, players can strategically place them to gain cover instantly. While gloo walls are not invincible, they can absorb a decent amount of damage before breaking. This gives the player some time to plan the next phase of the rush and execute it safely.

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4) Climb structures to gain the high ground


Although there are numerous structures present on every Free Fire MAX map, not all of them can be climbed. Only a handful can be occupied, and players can use the stairs to reach the top floor or roof. However, with a bit of practice and placement, players can use gloo walls to scale every structure in the game.

Although many gloo walls will be required to undertake this task, players will be well rewarded for their efforts. Once on top of the structure, they'll have superior shooting angles, a clear view of their surroundings, and the element of surprise. With a bit of planning, they'll be able to camp the area and eliminate unsuspecting opponents.

3) Block off strategic points inside the structure


Most fights in Free Fire MAX occur on open ground. This is mainly because both parties have a clear view of each other. However, in rare circumstances, fights even break out in urban areas that have many buildings. Eventually, the fighting spills over into structures, and house-to-house combat is initiated.

In these scenarios, smart opponents will rush the occupant by charging up the stairs or through an open window. To ensure that this does not occur, the occupant can block off strategic locations within the house using gloo walls. Although they are not invincible, they can be used to block or funnel opponents into a kill zone.

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2) Box in or trap opponents in corners


Gloo walls are mainly used as defensive utility items in Free Fire MAX. They provide protection from incoming fire and grenades and can even stop vehicles. However, with a bit of practice, players can also use them to trap opponents in corners or box them in during combat.

While keeping them hostage using a gloo wall will not last forever, players can use these precious moments to plan their next move. They can either use the trapped enemy as bait to lure others into a kill zone or take their time dealing with them. Whichever the plan is, kills are bound to be secured for sure.

1) Defense in close-range combat and confusion tactics


When going up against opponents with shotguns in close-range combat, gloo walls are a life-saver. No matter how powerful the shotgun is, the pellets will not be able to penetrate the gloo wall. Players can use it to take cover and counterattack with the help of peek-fire.

In addition to taking cover, if players have gloo walls to spare, they can even confuse opponents by placing a few on the battlefield. They can then hide far away and stay ready to snipe opponents who get too curious and approach the group of gloo walls.

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Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

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