Minecraft has various types of mobs, and the game gives players the ability to tame and breed some of them. The world of Minecraft is filled with all sorts of farm as well as wild animals. Players can breed them and create their offspring.
There are more than 20 animals in Minecraft that can breed and make their offspring. These mobs can only breed with the same species (except for mules, which come from breeding horses and donkeys). Out of all of them, some mobs are the best to breed, as they can offer players essential items for their survival.
Top 5 Minecraft mobs to breed in 2022
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Although there are over 20 mobs that can be bred, here are 5 best Minecraft mobs to breed:
5) Mule

Mules are an underrated mob in Minecraft as they don't spawn naturally in a world. These mobs can only be created by breeding a horse with a donkey. They can carry chests on them like a donkey and run faster like a horse. Horses and Donkeys can breed with the help of a golden apple or a golden carrot.
4) Wolves

Wolves are one of the cutest mobs in Minecraft. What's better is that they can breed and give birth to baby wolves. Players can keep breeding them to make an army of wolves as well. Wolves can breed with any kind of meat, either raw or cooked.
3) Pigs

In Minecraft, survival is one of the top priorities, and players can also die from hunger. To tackle this, they can make a pig farm where they can keep breeding pigs for a stable food supply. Pigs can breed with potatoes, carrots or beetroot.
2) Villagers

Players can also breed villagers. They are a little more complex than other mobs, as they are much more advanced than animals. Each villager will need a bed and three loaves of bread in a confined space.
After players leave them alone, they will soon breed and produce offspring. Breeding villagers is highly beneficial, as players can employ them for jobs and trade.
1) Axolotls

In the new Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update, the game developers added a new mob named Axolotls. These were instant hits and were considered the cutest of them all. Players can breed them with tropical fish and produce an even cuter baby Axolotls.
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