Minecraft's world is made up entirely of blocks. While some like dirt, grass block, sand, and water are extremely rare, other blocks can be very difficult to obtain or craft in the game. This could be due to their rare generation or because they are overpowered and essentially endgame blocks.
On that note, here is a list of some blocks that are extremely difficult to obtain or craft in Minecraft.
List of 6 most difficult Minecraft blocks to obtain
1) Deepslate emerald ore

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Deepslate emerald ore is one of the rarest ore blocks to obtain in Minecraft's Overworld realm. Though emerald ores generate from Y level -16 to 320, their chances of generation drastically decrease after Y level 10.
Since deepslate starts to generate after Y level 0 and emerald ores are generally considered rare, getting a deepslate emerald ore becomes much tougher.
2) Ancient Debris

Ancient Debris is a rare ore block in Minecraft's Nether realm that is quite difficult to obtain. It is arguably the rarest ore block in the game and is highly sought-after by players since it allows them to create netherite gear.
This block can generate anywhere from Y level 5 to Y level 120. However, it remains a rare ore block throughout the range. It is most commonly found at Y level 15 and 17. Apart from being rare, the Y level in which it generates the most is also a difficult area to traverse since massive lava pools and pockets are generated in that region.
3) Dragon egg

Minecraft has an underlying story that ends after players enter the End realm and defeat the Ender Dragon. After slaying the beast, they will be presented with a trophy in the form of a block. This block is called the dragon egg and will appear on top of the bedrock fountain once the Ender Dragon is dead.
As such, this dragon egg block is also difficult to obtain since players need to complete the game's story to get it.
4) Sponge

Sponges are difficult blocks to obtain since they only generate in Ocean Monuments, an underwater structure filled with guardians and three elder guardian mobs. These mobs attack players by shooting lasers from their eyes. Ocean Monuments are difficult to find in a world and tricky to navigate past because of tight corners and the presence of many rooms.
Moreover, there is no guarantee that each Ocean Monument will have a sponge room. Each elder guardian also drops a sponge block, but they are hard to kill.
5) Beacon

Beacons are among the most difficult blocks to obtain in Minecraft even though they can be crafted by players. This is because one crafting ingredient is difficult to obtain: nether star.
A nether star is an item that can only be obtained after defeating a Wither boss mob, which is the second boss mob of the game. Summoning the Wither itself is difficult due to rare wither skeleton skulls. Because of all these difficulties, the beacon becomes an infrequent, endgame block.
6) Dragon head

After defeating Ender Dragon, players will be allowed to roam the End islands. Here, they will discover End Cities, rare structures that have some of the best loot in Minecraft. There are various models of End Cities, one of which generates a flying ship beside it.
This flying ship holds the game's most overpowered gear: Elytra. However, it also generates another rare wearable block called dragon head. This is essentially the head of an Ender Dragon that can either be placed as a block or worn as a helmet.
The dragon head is quite large and its mouth moves when players sprint while wearing it.
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