All new mobs in the Minecraft 1.20 update

The Camel and Sniffer in Minecraft 1.20 (Image via Mojang)
The Camel and Sniffer in Minecraft 1.20 (Image via Mojang)

With Minecraft 1.20 update officially launching, players are sure to be at the edge of their seats in anticipation of roaming the Overworld and discovering every new feature Mojang has added to the game. Named the “Trails and Tales update,” the Minecraft 1.20 update is the next chapter in Mojang’s illustrious journey of post-launch content for the title.

One of the best additions to Minecraft in the Trails and Tales update is a pair of mobs that are designed to assist players in newer and more creative ways: camels and sniffers.

Here’s everything you need to know about the new mobs added to the Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales update. The mobs releasing in Minecraft 1.20 update are:

  1. Camel
  2. Sniffer

Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales introduces camels and the sniffer mob

The 2022 iteration of Mojang’s annual Minecraft Live event revealed both the camel and sniffer mobs to the title's community. The sniffer was part of the developers’ mob vote and competed against two other potential additions to the game, namely the tuff golem and the rascal. However, the community ended up voting for the sniffer, and it was officially declared as the next mob for the title.

Camels, on the other hand, were a complete surprise at the event. Both mobs were subsequently added to every preview, beta, snapshot, pre-release, and release candidate for Minecraft, giving players a chance to try them out before the update’s official release on June 7.


However, many players might not have access to these experimental and beta versions and, therefore, might not have interacted with the mobs.

Camel in Minecraft


Camels are adorable passive mobs that can be found inside desert villages, so players might have to put in some legwork to find them (or not, depending on how good their seed is). They occasionally roam around at a slow pace and sit down at certain points in and around the village.

What makes camels incredibly useful in Minecraft is that they can be mounted and ridden by not one but two players. A saddle is still required, but this is a significant improvement from a horse, as our hooved friends can only carry one player at a time. In addition, the height of a camel gives its rider a significant advantage, as it stops the melee attacks of many ground-based hostile mobs.


One of the most unique characteristics of a camel is that it can jump over a 1.5-block-high wall, which is something that no other mount can do. This can be incredibly useful if a player is trying to escape a group of enemy players or hostile mobs.

As if that wasn’t enough, this is combined with a dashing ability that is executed by using the jump button in the same way it is used to make a horse jump. A fully charged dash will launch a camel a whopping 12 blocks forward, allowing it to cross over gaps, ravines, random holes in the ground, and maybe even lava pools.

Sniffer in Minecraft


The sniffer is an entirely new mob that will be joining the ranks of Mojang’s masterpiece with the Trails and Tales update. It is a passive mob like the camel, so players don’t need to worry about it attacking them in any scenario.

The primary ability of a sniffer is to use its heightened sense of smell to dig out rare and unique plants out of blocks like dirt and moss. The plants are mostly decorative but are a welcome addition anyhow since any sort of new content is a breath of fresh air in Minecraft.


Unlike camels, sniffers cannot spawn naturally in the Minecraft world. The only way they can spawn is via sniffer eggs, which players can find while using the new archaeology mechanic.

Players need to find suspicious sand in the Overworld and use their brush on it to reveal the sniffer egg. Suspicious sand can contain several different items depending on the biome in which it spawns. Sniffer eggs, however, are the block’s loot if it spawns in warm ocean ruins.

Like many other animal mobs in the game, sniffers can be bred. A pair of the mob is required, with the item needed to breed being torchflower seeds. This results in a sniffer egg being obtained. The egg then hatches into a baby sniffer or a “snifflet.”

The camel and sniffer mobs are two of the most talked-about additions since the allay and warden were introduced in Minecraft 1.19. As the Trails and Tales update makes its way to its official release, players should be sure to look for saddles and dive into archaeology as soon as possible for a chance to make the most out of the new mob additions.

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