Compass is a tool in Minecraft that helps players navigate through the vast in-game world. There are three different types of compass, which point towards three different locations and have different mechanics. All three compasses are related to one another, especially if their crafting recipe is concerned.
Here are all three compass types and how they operate in Minecraft.
Three types of Minecraft compass: Explained
1) Regular compass

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The first one is a regular compass, which can be crafted using four iron ingots and one redstone dust.
This compass will always point towards the world spawn, where you first spawn in the Minecraft world. If the compass is taken to any other dimension, like the Nether or the End, it will spin randomly. This is because a compass does not work between dimensions, and since a regular compass points to a world spawned in Overworld, it malfunctions in the Nether and the End.
Regular compass can be further used in several crafting recipes. First, it can be used to create an empty map (or empty locator map in Bedrock Edition) by combining it with eight paper items. This map will showcase your location in the area in which the map was created.
2) Lodestone's compass

When a regular compass is connected to a lodestone block, it becomes a new item called a lodestone's compass. This particular navigation tool will no longer point to a world spawn but toward the lodestone block it is connected to.
To make a lodestone's compass, simply right-click on the lodestone with the compass in hand. For the compass to work properly, the lodestone should be placed in the world and both the block and the compass should be in the same dimension. If you take the compass to another dimension, it will spin randomly since it is unable to find its lodestone.
A lodestone block can be made with eight chiseled stone bricks and one netherite ingot. However, the netherite ingot in the recipe will soon be replaced with an iron ingot in Minecraft's upcoming game drop in 2025. The recipe change was first reflected in Java Edition snapshot 25w02a.
3) Recovery compass

The recovery compass is the newest addition to Minecraft's compass lineup. It is crafted with one regular compass and eight echo shards, which are found as chest loot in Ancient City. Once crafted, it will no longer point to the world spawn but toward your last death location.
If you have not died in a world yet, it will randomly spin. The recovery compass works in all three dimensions. However, if you die in one dimension and use it in another, it will continue to spin randomly.
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