Minecraft offers an extensive range of tools and weapons in order to go on explorations and adventures around the world. In that selection, the bow stands out as a versatile ranged weapon you can easily craft using some strings and sticks. You may obtain the bow enchantment books by trading with the Librarian, from loot chests, or using the enchantment table. These books can be used to enchant your bow on the Anvil.
With the introduction of enchantments, bows can be enhanced in various ways to suit different playstyles. In this article, we will explore all the best enchantments you can apply to the bow in Minecraft.
Mending, Unbreaking, and five best Minecraft bow enchantments in 2023
1) Mending

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The Mending Enchantment is all about restoring and preserving. It uses the collected experience orbs to repair your bow automatically. This prevents you from rigorously using the Anvil to mend your bow.
It is an excellent way to keep your enchanted bow in peak condition without the constant need to seek repairs. This enchantment cannot be crafted and can only be obtainable from loot chests in jungle temples, strongholds, ancient cities, raid drops, fishing, or trading with a village Librarian.
2) Unbreaking

All Minecraft weapons and tools degrade over time because of their low durability. The Unbreaking enchantment helps to resolve this problem by increasing the longevity of your bow. Now, you may use it for longer periods before needing repairs.
Combine this enchantment with Mending to make your bow reliable for long hours of gaming when you are raiding Bastion Remnant, Woodland Mansions, or Ancient Cities. Unbreaking has a [100/(level + 1)]% chance the item uses up the durability points. This means an item will have a 50, 66, or 75 % chance of not using any durability.
Unbreaking can be obtained from the enchanted table, fishing, librarian, or other loot chests.
3) Flame

The Flame enchantment is a must-have for those who like to ignite the mobs and other characters on fire. With this enchantment, you can set your enemies ablaze upon impact, which in turn, not only deals direct arrow damage but also continues to receive burn damage.
Using the Flame arrow, you may light up campfires or any other flammable entity, such as tree blocks. It also ignites the TNT and candles. So, any mob dying from TNT damage lit by a flame arrow will drop loot. However, the Flame arrow behaves as a normal arrow under the water.
4) Infinity

The Infinity enchantment will reduce the hassle of carrying extra arrows on the battlefield. When this enchantment is applied to the bow, you can keep using it with only one arrow in your inventory.
However, the enchantment does not have any effect on tipped or spectral arrows and is consumed as usual. Infinity is mutually exclusive with Mending, i.e., both enchantments cannot be used on the same bow simultaneously.
5) Power

The Power enchantment is a game-changer for those having archer playstyles who seek to maximize the damage output from the bows. The arrow damage is increased by 25 percent (level+1) and rounded up to the nearest half-heart.
It has levels ranging from Power 1 to 5, with the maximized level doing up to 7.5 hearts (critical - 12.5 hearts) of damage when fully charged. You can easily obtain this enchantment by using the enchantment table, from fishing, trading with any Librarian, or from loot chests.
6) Punch

Punch grants your arrows an extra push and sends your enemies flying backward upon impact. It is useful for keeping the mobs or other players at bay, giving you an advantage in battles.
Punch can be obtained by fishing, enchantment tables, or even librarians and expert fletchers. Skeletons spawned with Punch enchanted bows can also drop them when killed using a tamed wolf.
7) Curse of Vanishing

The Curse of Vanishing is a treasure enchantment and can only be obtained from loot chests, fishing, or trading with Librarians. Notably, when you have enchanted your bow with the Curse of Vanishing, it will not be dropped upon your death.
This enchantment has its advantages as well as disadvantages based on the situation. If you are playing offline or solo in your own world, you can never find it after dying. However, this enchantment is quite useful when you are playing PvP battles or with your friends.
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